Signal ranking! - page 4


the signals are handy to look at stats for yourself )

Maksim Neimerik:

So, my max drawdown now is 52% (happened only once in the beginning), longer drawdown does not exceed 20%, but I understand that anyway till the end of "life" of the signal the max drawdown will be 52%?

Yes. Here, whoever commits a crime once is considered a criminal for the rest of his life. :)

It takes a few years of persistent and regular writing about it for these rules to change.


That would be OK, but the drawdown greatly affects the rating and, consequently, the number of subscribers (which in turn affects the amount of money earned)!

Petr Baskakov:

on the signals for yourself, it's convenient to look at the stats )

Yeah, who's ugly, we need to see it from behind.

Maksim Neimerik:

I take it there is no such option here?


Maksim Neimerik:

It would be OK, but the drawdown strongly affects the rating and, consequently, the number of subscribers (which in turn affects the amount of earned money)!

The MC has done everything right - the drawdown should be the maximum for the entire lifetime of the signals.

There was one such super-signal here - the provider kept saying at every opportunity, "I had a 43% drawdown once, the risks have been reduced, you have to count from the moment when I corrected myself".

How did it end? Already a 60% drawdown and more than once repeated and this is just the beginning. And the signal as it turned out, according to the same provider - it trades only in the flat, and is losing on the trend.

So the maximum drawdown is correct to calculate only from the beginning of the history.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

The MC has done everything right - the drawdown should be the maximum for the entire lifetime of the signals.

There was one such super-signal here - the provider kept saying at every opportunity, "I had a 43% drawdown once, the risks have been reduced, you have to count from the moment when I corrected myself".

How did it end? Already a 60% drawdown and more than once repeated and this is just the beginning. And the signal as it turned out, according to the same provider - it trades only in the flat, and is losing on the trend.

So -- the maximum drawdown is correct only from the beginning of the story.

I don't really agree with you. The fact that there are the cases described by you - of course, that's true, it may not happen with me too. But it is possible to create something like a filter, for example, to show drawdowns for the last six months or a year. If a person really had a drawdown only in the beginning, and then he reduced it, then why should he suffer all the inconvenience of this indicator...

Maksim Neimerik:

I don't quite agree with you. That there are cases described by you - of course, yes, it is possible that such a thing may not happen to me too. But it is possible to do something like a filter, for example, to show drawdowns for the last six months or a year. If a person really had a drawdown only in the beginning, and then he reduced it, then why should he suffer all the inconvenience of this indicator...

The problem is solved very simply.

If the trade style drawdown is reduced, a "clean signal" is created (from zero) -- a trade with a new drawdown is shown.

This is fair to subscribers. The drawdown is more than 30-50% - this signal should be automatically removed from the rating forever and with a guarantee - this signal is not for subscriptions, but for personal trading.

Besides, the drawdown history is visible in the signal statistics - no one is stopping you subscribers from speaking about it in news - if your words are confirmed by history, no problem.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

The problem is solved very simply.

If the trade style drawdown is reduced, a "clean signal" is created (from zero) -- a trade with a new drawdown is shown.

This is fair to subscribers. The drawdown more than 30-50% -- such a signal should be automatically removed from the rating forever and with a guarantee -- this signal is not for subscriptions, but for personal trading.

Besides, the drawdown history is visible in the signal statistics - no one is stopping you subscribers to talk about it in the news - if your words are confirmed by the history, no problem.


Maksim Neimerik:

I do not fully agree with you. My profitability is not so low that I may suffer from it. But it is possible to do something like a filter, for example, to show drawdowns for the last six months or a year. If a person really had a drawdown only in the beginning, and then he reduced it, then why should he suffer all the inconvenience of this indicator...

Here I totally agree with you. You shouldn't show the total maximum drawdown, you should show it by month.

And the rating should be influenced by the drawdowns of recent months.