What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 43


And is it just me or is it just someone else?

It's not uncommon for me either. Spent time searching for meaning once. The Unicode coding helped to make sense of it.

The meaning of this encrypted note is similar to the mobile answering machine's statement: "The subscriber is out of the coverage area. We hope for your understanding".


It's not about whether the micro-kernel is accurate or inaccurate, it's about the fact that the micro-kernel is extremely aggressive, boorish, and out to get thoughtful people who have their own opinions based on their own experience. Have a look at your MQL4 forum - a complete degradation over the last year and a half: offtops are the norm, flooding turning into outright insults. And the "Kurilka" thread - slop from all over the Internet: fakes, abusive collages on political topics....

The first thread I saw on this site was about errors in MT4. Some dude was booing on MT4, he was asked to provide proof, he kept booing without providing proof... in the end he got banned. This is normal. It's been like that in almost all threads. Newbies started off with apologies for unqualified questions.... Got qualified answers without a shadow of derision. Now it's okay to bullshit all you want.... Misrepresentation, misrepresentation.... And this is only allowed by this active micro-nucleus...

Even two years ago the site was moderated. Now literally a few characters give the main stream of posts and can write whatever they want - covered by moderators and people protesting are banned. A number of serious people I don't see for a long time or very rarely. And there were many more of these people on the site than members of the "active micro-core". Personally, I have asked many times to be given the opportunity to clean up the site of my posts and topics.... At any rate, for almost a year I've tried not to participate on the site's topics... This thread is one of the exceptions.

PS. Now we're in a topic where what I've described may not be noticeable. But it's hardly the only topic on MQL4 site ( 5 I don't know ). And the benchmark of this outrage is the "Smoking Room".

And here's an example of aggressive minority behavior. The evidence arises on its own.


All affecting is the liquidity providers' business.

Try Alpari on Carrenex - things should change there. Look at how the real on RTS works through Otkritie - there's already a crowd of people happily moving stakes through MT5.

Right now, the matching is at the ISP/ECN/exchange level. And advanced matchmaking at home will be in Exchange Server, which is itself a matching engine.

I don't think you really know what I'm talking about. I need my client to put a limit inside the spread and have it affect the spread. If you think you can send that limit to Carrenex and have it affect the spread, you are wrong, the aggregation does not allow that. I can't send a limit to counterparties because I don't know where the price will be better at the time of execution, I have to keep them and I have to match them myself. There are no other options.

I tell you - those who did not sabotage and started working have attracted clients and continue to grow. But the brokers fooled themselves and chose to put the brakes on progress.

I didn't sabotage it, we are working on it and we are planning to launch it soon. Growing is one thing, but getting a proper customer base is another. Again, are you sure that if I introduce MT5, there will be a larger client base?

Right now the changes of the stack and the matchmaking are working on the side of the liquidity provider, next it will be on your side as well (your choice).

In RTS, orders are normally placed inside the spread and change it - I have checked it myself many times. If Carrenex doesn't, that's their problem/peculiarities/approach. Your matchmaking model is easily implemented now with a hybrid gateway, which will do what you've implemented. What to show and where to broadcast the execution is really determined by the business logic of the gateway.

I take it that apart from the platform, ecosystem, trader training, wild investment in promotion, 10 years of future support, I also have to guarantee your profits? Can you feel how great that sounds?



Some of them have simply decided to slow down progress by actively supporting the myth "you cannot live without locks".

It's not just about losing lots, the total position is not so difficult for manual traders to calculate in their head, of course it's an unnecessary burden, but they can't do anything for the love of art. But when it comes to combining takeprofts/stops of several deals into one to convert the strategy from MT4 to MT5, then MT5 is helpless - it cannot be done without special programming. So it turns out that MT5 for manual traders is a step back from this position.

Right now the matching is at provider/ECN/exchange level. And advanced matchmaking at home will be in the Exchange Server, which is itself a matching engine.

What should MT4 brokers do to have such an opportunity? Switch to MT5?

Right now, the changes in the stack and the matching works on the liquidity provider's side, and then we will have one for ourselves as well (as we choose).

At the RTS, for example, orders are normally placed inside the spread and change it - I have checked it myself more than once.

We don't need anything on the side of the liquidity provider, we have an aggregator.

And at RTS everything works, because the site is unified, there is no aggregator.

We need a quality aggregator. I do not understand, do you have one or not?


We don't need anything on the liquidity provider side, we have an aggregator.

Again, take the Gateway API and build an aggregator around it. "Your matching model is easily implemented now with a hybrid gateway, which will do what you've implemented. Really what to show and where to broadcast the execution is determined by the business logic of the gateway."

And at RTS, everything works because the platform is unified, there is no aggregator.

That is, the gateway performs its role perfectly. It gives market environment, stacks, execution and is only visible to the MT5 server as an internal virtual gateway.

It costs you nothing to make your own gateway/aggregator. And you will have to do only the business logic, because a huge amount of service functionality is already there in the Gateway API. And no platform crutches.

We need a quality aggregator. I don't understand, do you have one or not?

Suffice it to read, what I've repeated several times before: MetaTrader 5 Exchange Server is a proprietary matching engine of Five, it will be launched soon.

I wouldn't want to be tied to one platform. I want a platform-independent system, with the ability to give APIs and all the other intricacies.