What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 25


And you're flubbing here as well.

How will the trading strategy improve from the improvements and transition?

What the hell are you talking about?

How will the Boyle-Marriott formula improve from switching to a different font?

That's bullshit.

How can this be automated?

Lots of options: mySQL, pipes, files, dll. With a proven strategy in place, would such a simple idea not occur to you?

All the progress being discussed here does not answer the simple question: by how much will my profits as a trader increase from switching to MT5?

You've had a few years to try it and answer the question yourself

You better go on about Putin again, how he understands the sun over the country every morning, you are better at it


Repost from my post

faa1947 25.07.2013 10:03 #

Try reposting from perrepost now .

Renat, tell me it was me who advised you about the upcoming changes in MT4 :-)) Is it a clinic, too? You can make any interface you want. You just need to think how to do it.

Here you have already got to the point where there will now be a single editor.

About the ticks, the source is not important. As long as they are there. For example, when constructing a reng or renko, the quality and source of the ticks is not important. Bars will form the same from any source.

Vadim, I think there are some pitfalls or mountains about ticks.)

Metaquotes have always been very harsh on all sorts of pips and short term trades. Think of championships and the enigmatic spirit that cannot be formalised. And this is where all logic is built on the analysis of tick patterns.

It seemed that it would be easier to test the strategy not on the generator of ticks, but on the real history, which the user is able to collect himself, just without turning off the terminal, and in the tester add a choice - "test on the basis of the custom tick history", and the name of a file with this history. But I'm sure there will be an answer to this suggestion, like "goes against the tester architecture" or something like that. The real reasons will be silent, as usual.


Vadim, I think there are some pitfalls or mountains about ticks)

Metaquotes have always been very harsh on all sorts of pips and short term trades. Think of championships and the enigmatic spirit that cannot be formalised. And this is where all logic is based on tick pattern analysis.

It seemed that it would be easier to test the strategy not on the generator of ticks, but on the real history, which the user is able to collect himself, just without turning off the terminal, and in the tester add a choice - "test on the basis of the custom tick history", and the name of a file with this history. But I'm sure there will be an answer to this suggestion, like "goes against the tester architecture" or something like that. About the real reasons will be silent, as usual.

Well, with the champ, it's all right. From the fact that the championship is going to the demo, full-fledged simulation will not work. The best way to get a real tournament is to use real money.

If we do not impose restrictions, the winners will be those who go to zero on the real account. This is not correct with respect to non-pipsmers who have a more sophisticated strategy.

How to automate it?

Some brokers on the 5 platform have created as many as 4 pairs of major instruments, the names are only slightly different, such as EURUSD.m, EURUSD.m1, etc.

You do not need other accounts, you cannot open many orders, but you can open both buy and sell orders simultaneously for one instrument

In general, it seems that the custom teak story is no longer a subject for discussion. THERE WON'T BE ONE AND THAT'S THAT. There's probably a lot of fish in it. It remains for guys to make an add-on to MT: to write owl so that tester results are corrected taking into account their tick data. It's a pain in the ass, but I'm beginning to think it will be worth it.

The interface is 99% the same as MT4. Those who dabble in serious interface changes are losing the market.

The interface of MT4 is very good. Nevertheless it lacks some important features, for example several charts in one tab=window, on which indicators could be superimposed, plus linking of windows. There is no possibility to add your own control buttons - e.g. take the pause/playback button of the tester to the Control Panel, which would allow to work with the tester in visualisation mode with a minimised tester window, which takes too much space without leaving it for the sub-window.
Take a look at the Tester window, half of it is occupied by three lines and voids, while there is not enough space for the indicators/oscillators/volumes in the individual sub-windows.

MT without tick history is a toy for both "traders" and programmers. I think the main reason is in the DC server settings. Having a tick history from one broker and comparing it with the reference, say, from IQFEED, you can immediately identify the filter and the typical delays of this brokerage company that serves him for additional earnings, playing to the trader's disadvantage.

That is the policy.