To all those who know Morse code - page 7


Oh, come on, you weren't in the army at all.

You can't tell the difference between morse code and oatmeal.

Wow... No one's ever insulted me like that before.
Wow... No one's ever insulted me like that before.

Well, first of all, you're not a commoner.

Secondly, let's see what kind of captain you are.

You must have been sitting in the back at the vegetable depot with a flatfoot certificate, while leonid553 and I were guarding your sleep.


Well, first of all, you're not a commoner.

Secondly, let's see what kind of captain you are.

Probably sitting in the rear in a vegetable warehouse with a flatfoot certificate while I and leonid553 were guarding your sleep.

Yeah, I'm going to tell every state department secret, yeah... go get some chips.
Yeah, I'll start telling military secrets to every state department official, yep... go get some chips.

Oh, hold me seven, I'm hiccuping with laughter. A military secret...

Yeah. I even know what it is-- "Everyone's All Dressed Up.") (MMM's commander in chief, Generalissimo Mavrodi.


What's the matter, you don't start? You broke down or something?
What's the matter, you don't start? You broke down?
He's been exposed, now he's going down. That's how you get them all fired up! How do you know everything?! ;)
What's the matter, you don't start? You broke down?

[-..] [.-] [-.] [..-] [-.] [.-] [....]

You're aborilunad:
He's been exposed, now he's going down. That's how you're gonna get everyone fired up! And how do you know everything?! ;)
Hello from the bottom. Michas has dispersed many, but I've developed an immunity to him over the years.
You've exposed him, now he's going down. That's the way to break everyone up! How do you know everything?! ;)

Nah, it's just a game. We actually love each other. If we were neighbours, we'd probably be family friends. We'd swap wives.

All right, hurry up and eat your food and go to bed!
All right, hurry up and eat your food and go to bed!
All right, I'm gone.