How can I tell the difference between a FOREX chart and a PRNG? - page 15


Interesting indicator you have. It's not bad for pulses. You should check out the "Random Flow Theory" thread.

from the commentary on the indicator:
"The indicator reflects energy as it is understood in physics, more precisely the projection of total impacts on the real axis. Now I will try to write the physics of what it reflects. I don't know, but I don't know, if this energy moves the market or something else. It reflects the value of the energy that is acting on the current flow. But I could be wrong.


Interesting indicator you have here. It shows pulses pretty well. You should read the "Random Flow Theory" thread.

From the commentary on the indicator:
"The indicator reflects energy as it is understood in physics, more precisely the projection of cumulative influences on the real axis. Now I will try to write the physics of what it reflects. I don't know, but I don't know, if this energy moves the market or something else. It reflects the value of the energy that is acting on the current flow. But I could be wrong.

Privalov, that's kind of a compliment :(

Interesting indicator you have here. It shows pulses pretty well. You should read the "Random Flow Theory" thread.

I'm disappointed in MT:
"The indicator reflects exactly the energy as it is understood in physics, more precisely the projection of the total impacts on the real axis. Now I will try to write the physics of what it reflects. I don't know, but I don't know, if this energy moves the market or something else. It reflects the value of the energy that is acting on the current flow. But I could be wrong.

There was an idea at the time to check this statement by Wiki

"There is a fact, or, if you like,a law, governing all phenomena of nature, everything that has been known so far. There are no exceptions to this law; as far as we know it is absolutely accurate. Its name isthe conservation of energy. It states that there is a certain quantity, called energy, which does not change in any transformations occurring in nature."

If you don't mind asking questions in that thread. That's not what this thread seems to be about. Just everything is scattered all over the forum (already scattered) and no coherent picture is obtained, some scraps are obtained.

The idea described above remains as an indicator on the forum (I haven't even put it into base code). And these ideas a lot, I used the forum sometimes in a role of notebook, came up with an idea, briefly described it, put it on the forum. The only thing I rarely appear on the forum, I'm very disappointed in MT


In short, there is no way.

Theoretically, having detected some cyclical change in volatility, we can assume that it is a chart of a financial instrument and the changes are due to the opening of intraday trading sessions.


1. the series should be long enough.

2. this is only if we assume that these are intraday timeframes.

3. Some generation of Ptc may also give the same effect.

All external signs of a finnish series (trends, flat, "walking" in the channel, "reversion", figures, etc.) are present in the artificially simulated series.


The only thing is I don't come on the forum much, I'm very disappointed in MT

Sorry, what's wrong with MT? Answer ! MT5 is already connected by broker BCS - you can play forts, test strategies. Huge disadvantage - difficulties in analyzing tick chart and testing on real ticks and no import of quotes, the rest is trifles. For a stock platform I think it is almost a catastrophe. And I simply do not understand why they do not add a tick chart for analysis in the timeframe line - I think it is not difficult. Although, there are rumours that they will have to rework half of the platform for that, I don't know... Everything else is top-notch. I don't like Quick, but NT is better, although I will have to understand the process of trading robots creation for a couple of years and everything is in English. But MT4 and MT5 are the best, as far as usability* features are concerned.

From the commentary on the indicator:
"The indicator reflects energy as it is understood in physics, more precisely the projection of total influences on the real axis. Now I will try to write the physics of what it reflects. I don't know, but I don't know, if this energy moves the market or something else. It reflects the value of the energy that is acting on the current flow. But I could be wrong.

Energy needs to be strictly defined in order to talk about it. A purely visual consideration is not a scientific approach.

To do that, you have to at least write out the equation of motion for the instrument and make it a Lagrange function. That's the approach taken in mechanics. Very effective, by the way.


there is a radar with nano pulses

I'm certainly not an expert on combat fighters, but... but if we were to put such a radar on an aeroplane, then with a speed of two pepelats of 3400 m/s (about 10 Machs) even 0.1 millisecond delay, i.e. hundred thousand times longer than pulse itself (1 ns, for example, on 10-20 GHz carrier), would correspond to positioning error of only 34 centimeters, which seems to be quite acceptable for air-to-air missiles?

Energy needs to be strictly defined in order to talk about it. Purely visual consideration is not a scientific approach.

To do this, you should at least write out the equation of motion of the instrument and compose a Lagrange function to it. This is the approach adopted in mechanics. Very effective, by the way.

I approached it from the other side. That's the way it is in mechanics. In signal processing theory, there is this concept of signal energy. And it can be calculated

The only thing (I could be wrong, I did it a long time ago) is that I calculated the energy there through the spectrum. The signal in the time domain and the frequency domain (spectrum) are tightly coupled by the Fourier transform. It's easier and more convenient to do it through the Fourier transform.

Z.I. I remembered what I wanted to do and gave it up. Someone may find it useful. .... If we assume that energy is not going anywhere, we should make a multi-currency indicator, if we take 8 currencies, then the closed loop system should have 28 pairs. Total energy (since it goes nowhere) = 1. To see what part of the energy now relates to which currency... how do you determine the locomotive, who (what) is currently driving the market, where the main "game" is played

Sorry, what's wrong with MT? Answer ! MT5 is already hooked up by broker BCS - you can play forts, test strategies. Huge disadvantage - difficulties in analyzing tick chart and testing on real ticks and no import of quotes, the rest is minor stuff. For a stock platform I think it is almost a catastrophe. And I simply do not understand why they do not add a tick chart for analysis in the timeframe line - I think it is not difficult. Although, there are rumours that they will have to rework half of the platform for that, I don't know... Everything else is top-notch. I don't like Quick, but NT is better, although I will have to understand the process of trading robots creation for a couple of years and everything is in English. But MT4 and MT5 are the best, as far as usability* features are concerned.

I have already answered half of my drawbacks yourself. I'd like to add, besides ticks from which you can create interesting chart types, you can't put your own history there. As an alternative, try to test the mutual influence of euro/dollar, dax, oil and RTS index .... It is easier and faster to do it in another platform

You can't do a lot of little things, but these little things then add up to one big picture.... sit down and think, seriously so take your time. Have you come here in earnest for a long time? To make money or catch bugs in the next platform release for free? You're wasting your time. its most important value. and there's no way you can buy time, no way you can get it back. What are you spending it on, learning a programming language with (3-4) programmers? Or is it better to spend the time to study something more reliable, like C #, on which you can write a robot and it will work virtually anywhere, on any exchange.

For those who think that writing in C# is difficult. Check out this video, it's in Russian. You can create a simple trading robot in 2-3 minutes, NT has a robot builder. Compare yourself the ease of creation and clarity of NT and MT5 code, then sit down and think, you live, you spend your time, no one will live your life for you, only you and no one else can spend your time. If you think life is a draft, you can rewrite it later. No way, it's not going to work.

There is no button to start over. It doesn't exist.Game Over is complete and utter.

P.S. My mother's last words. Died in 2012. 86 years old. HOW QUICKLY TIME FLEW BY....

.... quite acceptable for air-to-air missiles?

The missile is not aimed at an aircraft, but at a specific point in space. It's called a boost phase (BEP). The target movement is predicted, and the target will be where it is most likely to be after some time.