How much have you earned with FOREX? - page 16

How much did the man earn from forex? That's a good question. Take a look. Are you preparing a kidnapping there by any chance?
Because, no advisor is a sinker, and it is dangerous to make a profitable one, but only for yourself! ;)

Of course, I just wanted to bring up the issue of costs, but as it turns out there is also the issue of quotes)))) or maybe something else I don't know. And here is interesting, on the stock exchange, there are some clear patterns, for example: an upward movement of oil generates a downward movement of dollar futures (dollar supply increases with oil revenues), which in turn makes the RTS index, which is calculated in dollars move up (including the fact that the capitalization of oil), and you have at the forex, any of these? Any correlations that really move the market?

Different leverage in different markets, forex quotes are thrown by a bunch of banks around the world. The best deals are chosen.

I don't understand what the argument is about.

About how to make money? It's not about anything either. Go and make money, either here or there.


It's not hard to guess. Nine out of 10 people lose money in the stock market.

Come on... A hundredth of a percent just might make money. The human element just doesn't make any money...

Come on... One hundredth of a percent can only make money. The human element just doesn't make any money...

The human element? That's an excuse. There is no human factor, read the forum title.

The human element? That's an excuse. There is no human factor, read the name of the forum.

What I meant was, it's about flushing. Isn't that the point? If you put your nerves aside, you can make money. And about 80%, I don't quite understand. I doubled in a month, for example...

I meant about the drain. Isn't that the point? If you set your nerves aside, you can make money. And about 80%, I don't quite get it. I've doubled in a month, for example...

These are machines. They don't have the factor. And the result is the same. So the human factor has nothing to do with it.

This is where the vending machines trade. They don't have the factor. And the result is the same. So the human factor has nothing to do with it.

Good. All the more reason, then.

Although... If you read a lot of the forum - with hands, with refills. Then - as if that's the right thing to do. Oh my god. If the machine already has both MM and PM, why mess it up? There goes the drain. Stats...


You can also get demo access there, just be aware that there are differences between demo and real trading and there are many, but that's not up to me.

And on the subject? Three roubles each - for matches or what?
Someone is about to get banned for shitty brokerage advertising.