FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 80

Yeah, gold is fucked up.

Yeah... 1.74 took it... 1.75 without me now... i'm full ))))

I assure you they have nothing to do with it.... But you have to be ready for big movements - it's a fact, it won't work like in summer, to stay in the middle and wait out. They are pouring money into the market. (By the way, if it were not for Friday, I would have shorted, such a good signal.)

What BAC, the month of politeness ended a week ago))).
Soon the likes of Tantric will be in the mainstream and then we'll sell, but that's another story))))

What BAC, the month of politeness ended a week ago)))

Well, I'm trying to restrain myself )))))

On Friday, 7 September, the Canadian government announced the closure of its embassy in Iran and the withdrawal of all diplomats within five days.

So new fuel for the market is on the way ... Well, use your brains my dear speculators, what does this mean for us ?


you're scaring Tantric again.))

the bulls are having a party today....

Why not scare? He's in a good mood and looking for answers to the age-old questions of WHO'S WRONG and WHAT TO DO)))

A picture to ponder at your leisure)


Why not go for it, he's in a good mood, and he's piling up loose ends again and looking for answers to the age-old questions of WHO'S WRONG and WHAT TO DO) ))

Give him Mashka )))) I don't know if she will give it to him )))

A picture to think about at your leisure)

Strange, didn't you write the other day that the Evra will not go above 1.2650? Too lazy to look for the post just now.
Strange, was it you, the other day, wrote that the Evra will not go above 1.2650? Lazy to look for the post.

Mm-hmm... he always says so, then you go selling and I do the selling, a typical scam ))))

I couldn't find this post... Artikul was zig-zagging from 20 to 28 ))))

Soon people like Tantric will go to the buy, then we will sell, but that's another story))))

who are they? (I'm sure I'm not a plurality) who will go where!(let them go) on the eu target has changed slightly - but already m5 - + - 10pp. (only the eu give 10pp. - the rest five). Maybe I will short it at the highs or maybe I will forget it. I seldom trade the euro ))))).

That's for the trolls! not the skips.