FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 98

I can't be a nationalist, I am a Christian and I don't care what nationality a person is. And whether or not I like Jews is my own business. I don't like Protestants much either, or Orthodox, so what, it's not like I'm calling for anyone to be killed.
So that's not the point at all.
And you choose to share your dislike with us... you don't have anything else to share?
Hi all! Why has the franc been unbundled from the euras?! Or is it a false de-linking? Does anyone have a short but intelligible answer.
And you decided to share your dislike with us... you don't have anything else to share?
And you decided to play the chief therapist of the forum? As a free person, I have the right to express my point of view and decide what I like and what I do not like, especially when I am asked about it.
There's more than that! I think we'll gel to the top.
Hi all! Why has the franc been unbundled from the euras?! Or is it a false de-linking? Does anyone have a short but intelligible answer.

Yes, there is. The currencies are not tied to each other.

Purely for the sake of fluff. )))) In my personal opinion, it goes on like this.

Have you decided to play the chief therapist of the forum? As a free person, I have the right to express my point of view and decide what I like and what I don't like, especially when I am asked about it.
There's more than that! I think we'll gel to the top.
Do you think I'm not???

Purely for the sake of fluff. )))) In my personal opinion, this is the way to go.

I'm embarrassed to ask why you have the fibosome attached in such a vague way, is it some kind of trick?
I have never once uttered the word Jew. Jews are a nationality and they can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. And the word Jew is equivalent to the word Jew. In progressive Judaism, even a Chukchi can become a Jew, all he has to do is accept the rite.
As for Jews, they are all different. In percentage terms, as many Jews fought for Nazi Germany as for the Bolsheviks, and they beat each other up without sparing their lives.
As for God, He is One, no matter what you call Him.

You can read the first post three times )))). If you are a Christian, your faith should make you tolerant towards others and love your enemies as yourself )))) I can kick and scream at everyone, because your god has forbidden you everything and put limits on what is good and what is bad... while my god told me to live, play and move on - eternity is ahead )))).

