FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 21


Are there any living buyers left?

I've been sitting sadly in the seli) I'm about to bounce back)
Has Asia come to life?)
I've been sitting in a sili for a while) I'm going to bounce back now)

Not now))) Ziggy's got to go)))
I've been sitting sadly in the seli) I'm about to bounce back)
Also sells on euro, pound and gold. I am on the upside everywhere, but takei's did not work, except for the daily one on the pound.
Yeah... while I'm drinking, I'm just going to take a shit...)
wow )))) moose caught a damn )))) someone's taking a shit
Holy fuckin' hell... the piles are just right...
2012.08.01 21:20:00 MARKET TALK: Expectations for the ECB have overshadowed the forthcoming Fed statement
Good job spitting it out. I was beginning to wonder.