FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 13

Beef stew for dinner tonight.

I've got a charcoal-grilled bear's leg with a salad)))
Beach not up the pound, I've already got a bottle of jack daniels in the sag-(

and I have a charcoal-grilled bear's leg with a salad)))
Brrrr... (really haven't tasted bear meat(())
Beach not up the pound, I've already got a bottle of jack daniels in the sag-(
Don't worry, we'll bounce back to 1.5610-15 and down again to 1.5530

I've got a bear's leg roasted on charcoal with a salad)))
Gina, aren't bears in the red book in Almata?
I can't go there with this depot)))) It's small and the lots are big)
Gina, aren't bears in the red book in Almaty?

they are everywhere )))) I only shoot bears here, the rules allow it )))
Beach not up the pound, I've already got a bottle of jack daniels in the sag-(
USD/Canada is good to buy. +++
Brrrrr... (really haven't tried bear meat(())

it's the same as beef, but chewier, very tasty by the way ))))

they are everywhere in the red )))) I only shoot bears here, it is allowed by the rules )))
And Emotion allows such barbarism?