FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 3


And I'll deduct a hundred from you)))
Well, here's the new depot!
so you don't have to trade...

That's what you suggested)))

I'll deduct on Friday. From each)))

replace with Everyone))))

You've got the wrong interpretation))))

Am I the only one who has become annoyed with Stranger?
Am I the only one who's getting annoyed with Stranger?

Let him post the balance sheet and it will all be clear =)

Am I the only one who has become annoyed with Stranger?
This is a prime example! (learn - whatever happens to you) a psychological trap - getting stuck in one direction or buy or sell
Am I the only one who's getting annoyed with Stranger?

As Margot teaches me, you have to keep your composure in all situations and not give in to your emotions.

Smoke your own.



I've been telling you for a week to stay out of sales, but alas...

déjà vu)

heard the same thing before the half a thousand point drop)

Am I the only one who finds Stranger annoying?

:)))) then to the moderators or someone else... maybe it's time to start posting on the topic ? )))

Am I the only one who can't stop being annoyed by wmlab? )))


déjà vu)

heard the same thing before the drop in half a thousand pips)

Man, I'd like to see the lows myself ... to make fun of the old one for good measure )))) but the bastard doesn't want to fall )))