FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 103


2012.08.03 17:00:17 '3001847': order was opened : #7086701 buy 1.10 EURUSD at 1.2260 sl: 1.2158 tp: 1.2358

Previous position closed with a takeaway

Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / P PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
70836232012.08.02 15:00sell1.10gbpusd1.55461.56501.54501.55650.000.00-4.95-209.00
70840372012.08.02 16:00sell0.40xauusd1596.91622.71572.71596.60.000.00-0.9312.00
70867012012.08.03 14:00buy1.10eurusd1.22601.21581.23581.22550.000.000.00-55.00
0.00 0.00 -5.88 -252.00
Floating P/L: -257.88

Fact))) Give everyone a GRAAL now and he's screwed at once.

Are you saying that's how all the mashqs used to be, and then the stochastics? )))
What about the rest - the rest are down the last option (can be traded) 1.2310 - 1.2130 - 1.2310
1.2220 could stumble and go to 1.2340
1.2220 could stumble and go to 1.2340

.... can't stop a running buffalo as much as it can stop a singing Kobzon...

Are you saying that's how all the mash-ups used to be, and then the stochastics? )))
Moving averages follow the price, there is no overbought/oversold. You can build a system on the basis of these indicators, but there will always be errors, because you still have to guess.
The moving averages follow the price, there is no overbought/oversold. You can build a system on the basis of these indicators, but there will always be errors as you still have to guess.

Indicators are prosthetic devices that adapt the average person to trading...
Is the hysteria about to start again? ))))))))
Yes, everyone who wanted to - have already bought and are at breakeven ... having unloaded the buyers who stood at 1.26 - 1.27...
Is the hysteria about to start again? ))))))))

Two more minutes...

I'm for bears ... :)

Already got my flip-flops and swim lap ready...

Have a nice holiday:

Gold Coast