FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 64

If we go a little lower, we could go as low as 25....


Who is lower?


Thank you!

:-) Look at the graph analysis a bit yourself... If you entered the triangle from above (see your picture), then the output will be downwards ...

P.S. You don't have to worry - it's not about months. It will go up very soon.


No one is worried, everyone is on board and waiting for 1.68



Кто меньше?

First 1.2525, then maybe 1.2450.
No one is worried, everyone is waiting for 1.68

Market operators are in the longs - it's about to go up! I just want to be able to buy on the pullback... :-)


The daily channel is turning upwards, the second day the pair cannot break the resistance at 2560

and stubbornly preserved on the weeks such formation as a pin bar - it is bullish, so there is a tendency to move to the north.


No one is worried, everyone is on board and waiting for 1.68

1.2525 to start, then maybe 1.2450.

We need to pick up a bunch of villagers who are stranded, and then it's up to you.


The daily channel is turning upwards...

Does the channel itself know about it?



An anecdote on the subject:

"5 years old - mum knows everything! 10 years old - no, mum doesn't know everything... 15 years old - what does she know?! 25 years old - you should have listened to your mother... "

On the subject: "What is the speed of sound - eh said my mother 25 years ago".

Does the channel itself, know about it?


light green-weekly channel

black - daily


green- hourly

do not look at the red lines