FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 59

In short, the analysts are confused... In the news, they are advising to get out of the euro/dollar and buy euro/pound as the pound has great prospects...

When the market and analysts on eur/usd are obscurantist, I am "practicing" usd/usd, although there is an opinion that this pair is bad for theanalysis,

I somehow didn't feel these points.

I'm guessing a drop in gold...

1,625 stroga)

1.2525 should be seen...the only question is when...
Yep, at 2520 a buy pause, will they make it.

You see, Rekker, those fools there were never made happy, when the price went down there, they added more sales there.
And they're going to get ousted.
Nothing to tell))) A one-action task. Maybe they meant big prospects for a fall in the pound? Then yes.
MARKET TALK: Bet on the euro against the pound, not the dollar - BNP

When the market and analysts on eur/usd are obscurantist, I "practice" usd/usd, although there is an opinion that this pair is poorly amenable to tehanalysis,

I don't really feel these moments.

It's a good pair, I bought it))

thanks ... but I haven't needed anything for a long time now ... just equi (in points) to rollover show on the whole story if available ... just for interest to see ... or selectively by month or week ... 1-2 screens ...

there will be no show ))) there are no such goals ))) it's just that ... was an act of kindness ))))

there will be no show ))) there are no such goals ))) it's just that ... was an act of kindness ))))

hilarious ... no need for a show ... just wanted to know how much you get on average in pips per month ... and Renko and Range Bars have long since passed ... conclusions to myself made.... no so no...

tell that to the analysts shouting to buy the euro/lb...

The Euro/Pound has slightly strengthened its position and while the upward momentum has faded near stg0.8045, the pair is still buying on the declines and the bulls are counting on a further rise towards stg0.8080. Analysts of BNP Paribas note that such turn of events looks quite possible, however they don't recommend to rely on a considerable improvement in the dynamics of the single European currency. The downtrend is still in force, and, taking into account large volume of long positions in USD, which may limit EUR/USD decline potential, EUR selling against GBP looks more attractive strategy. BNP Paribas notes that Europe's debt problems remain in the spotlight and carry more negatives for the euro than the pound, while the economic growth situation is also more favourable for the latter. The BNP Paribas recommends selling the Euro/Pound on the rise with the expectation that the pair will drop to stg0.78. Source: Forexpf.Ru - Forex News

And here the ANALLYLITES are advising to sell the euro pound, hehehe. Fuck the news and fuck all the analysts))

There's a net-netting spread across Audi from 0365 to 0500)) CEL- 9905))