FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 158


Don't mess with the sales, guys))))

I already closed, I'm sick of these frictions.

Closed already, I'm sick of this friction.

The week is over, my sell on boo, till monday smoke)))

The week is over, my sell on boo, see you on monday))))

i've closed all my trades, i'm off to work for the month)))))

Such "visionaries" are like dogs, on MT5 there is a large part of the forum dreaming))))

There's a lot of "visionaries" like dogs on MT5, most of the forum is dreaming)))

So if there's an earthquake or tsunami you don't allow for that kind of thing

Something's starting to happen with the pound index going up?


Preparing to administer a horse dose of morphine to the patient.


So if there's an earthquake or tsunami you don't allow that kind of thing

They have nuclear accidents, a tsunami would shatter everything, we have grasshoppers eating corn, panic, famine and apocalypse, I respect the Samurai ))))

Well, if there's an earthquake or a tsunami, you don't allow that kind of thing

Something's starting to happen, the pound index is going to fly, isn't it?

Yes, of course, an alien invasion could hit Japan's economy particularly hard......

The majority of the forum is dreaming of such "visionaries" like dogs on MT5)))

Not at that level.

MT5 is where people get their own juices flowing. And Soros and co. are shaping public opinion. In their favour.

Speaking of the yen, there is a strong suspicion that it is at the beginning of a very long period of growth.