Doing interesting things for free - page 12

jartmailru 04.06.2012 14:40 Reminds me of the joke about the crow and the geese. :-) I can't seem to get the "reply" button to work...

If Win-7, better gadget, it has a "on top of all windows" option. I'll do it at my leisure:)

ps Where's the anecdote, let's have the anecdote.

jartmailru 04.06.2012 14:40 Reminds me of the joke about the crow and the geese. :-) I do not have the answer key does not work ....

Google it
I'm strong I'm brave

Autumn. A crow sits on a branch and sees the cranes heading south.
"Take me with you."
"But it's a long way, in case you can't make it." The cranes reply.
"I'm strong, I'm brave..."
And so they flew for a day... "How are you, crow?"
"I'm strong, I'm brave" and they fly for 3 days...
"How are you?"
Crow: "I'm strong, I'm brave, I can take it." She can hardly breathe after a week of flying.
"Well, crow?"
"i'm strong, i'm brave... but fucked up!!!"
An interesting oddity with this informer, if you press the "Refresh" button in the browser, the countdown starts again from when the page with the informer was first opened.
Interesting oddity with this informer, if you press the "Refresh" button in the browser, the countdown starts again from the moment when the page with the informer was first opened.

Checked. It doesn't restart, keeps counting correctly . Opera.


and restarts in chrome ))


Checked it. Mine doesn't restart, keeps counting correctly . Opera.


and in chrome it restarts ))

I have Opera. Version: 11.64. It's the same thing on Opera.

I have Opera. Version: 11.64. There is such a nonsense in Opera.

Me too now ((

It seems to get the remaining time when it starts and then synchronises itself by "Refresh" no more often than once a minute

If you do "Refresh" more often, it will just restart the last known time.

// a minute is about.

On start-up, only the minute is detected and counts down from 59 seconds. There can be an error of up to a minute. In short, it's a dumb toy.

good afternoon.

can someone please use an indicator

IND_RecycleProfit.mq4 from hrenfx should be modified so that it is updated with every new bar or tick? asIND_Recycle2.mq4 does.

Many thanks in advance.