Humour - page 70


Error Description : obscene abuse detected.

Error Action : Weekly delay for this account.

The descriptor is the same as the action. It's for smiling, not cursing.
/* Vlads Не матерись, мат на этом форуме приравнивается к бану*/ (FAQ)
He knows, it's Fredo.
He knows, it's Fredo.

We should ask MetaDriver to put "The Ballad of Fredo" together. For testing purposes.
The mother-of-pearl bills and the counting sticks with computers are too much for him. He should get him a multi-volume book on fat tails. It's his favourite subject.

Yuri Vyacheslavovich, hello.

How are you doing?

Found a profitable strategy?


Yuri Vyacheslavovich, hello.

How are you doing?

Have you found a profitable strategy?

Of course I have. On historical data, any strategy is profitable.

Haven't listened to it myself yet, but I think it's pretty funny.

Of course you have. On historical data, any strategy is profitable.
In other words, the problem has no solution...
In other words, the problem has no solution...

Profit can even be made from manure. And you are talking about a market with unlimited profit opportunities.

"dig deeper" :)

In other words, the problem has no solution...
Football cannot always be won. And a handicap will always be a game.