Humour - page 30


and the diamonds are nobody's... How wonderful! :)

Gotcha. In the twenty years since that awful incident, I have completely repented and stopped encroaching on other people's diamonds and money.
Now I'm waiting for my own critics to follow suit :))
You're lying again... :))
About the money. What about forex? ;)
I have. In the twenty years since that ugly incident, I have completely repented and stopped encroaching on other people's diamonds and money.
Now I'm waiting for my own critics to follow suit :))
Nah! They were yours then. It's all strangers' and not ours now.

There was a birch tree in the field...

What's there to hint at, tidal power plants are already running and the Greens are demanding they be stopped so they don't slow down the Earth's rotation.

Of course, the second law of thermodynamics is immutable! The entropy of the Earth - tidal power station system will increase, which means the Earth's torque will drop. On the other hand, as the Earth's velocity decreases, the wind force should increase, and this is additional energy for wind generators. For this reason, by the way, perpetual motion engines are not possible in principle. But if the entropy as a result of energy exchange between two bodies would fall, then the perpetual motion machine could be made from a coin spinning with an edge on the table.

Unfortunately (!) as naive as in '94.
Or is M. lying about the lack of investment?!

Arefmetega is ruined by schizotericism.

A birch tree in a field...

Is there a higher resolution picture? - I want to put it on my desktop.

I'll trade you for this one:


Of course, the second law of thermodynamics is immutable! The entropy of the Earth - tidal power station system will increase, which means that the Earth's torque will fall. On the other hand, as the Earth's velocity decreases, the wind force must increase, and this is additional energy for wind generators. For this reason, by the way, perpetual motion engines are not possible in principle. But if the entropy as a result of energy exchange between two bodies would fall, then the perpetual motion machine could be made from a coin spinning with an edge on the table.
Not exactly. The coin would rotate due to cooling of the environment, given the heat capacity, temperature difference to absolute zero, still not forever. Eternity can be built if we have two universes. Ours, where free work is obtained by increasing total entropy. And an antiverse, where free work is obtained by decreasing total entropy. By alternately moving a table with a spinning coin from one universe to another, though there is a suspicion that free work will be obtained due to averaging of physical laws of these universes (read increasing of entropy of physical laws).

Is there a higher resolution picture? - I want to put it on my desktop.

I'm trading it for this one:

This one's the biggest, but it doesn't fit on my desk with any resolution because it's vertical.