Humour - page 28

Vadim, I don't believe in technical conspiracy. It is impossible to kill a technical idea, it will come out not today, but tomorrow. And the talk of the "authors" of ingenious but unreproducible ideas has only one justification - to justify the viciousness of the idea itself.
I have heard of Norbekov's virtual diamonds, but not the real ones.

It's not about conspiracy, it's about the commercialisation of science, which is what science cannot be.

The ideal is to sit and wait for an apple to fall on your head. But when there are grants to justify warming on earth, and no grants to just discuss the topic (and a friend will justify cooling?), this is a problem. While it applied to applied science it was OK, but now it applies to basic science. That's how I understood Junko's post.

Vadim, I don't believe in technical conspiracy. You can't kill a technical idea, it will come out not today, but tomorrow. And the talk of the "authors" of ingenious but unreproducible ideas has only one justification - to justify the wickedness of the idea itself.
I have heard of Norbekov's virtual diamonds, but not the real ones.

Look on the internet for wheels with a moveable eccentricity of the centre of gravity. Essentially a perpetual motion machine if you ignore gravity. So the system is not closed loop. There's no such thing as a closed system.

They work without fuel. Almost forever. As long as our planet exists. So why aren't they being used? Sure, the speed is low, but the torque on the shaft can be increased almost without limit.

With a wheel diameter of just over 2 metres you can get about 1 tonne per metre for a 1 metre thick structure (roughly calculated for lead filler). No exact technology is required to make it. If more torque is needed, the thickness of the structure can be increased with new blocks.

Yes, there are many such real inventions, which nobody "needs" :-( Here.

Norbekov was bought. He talked about it somewhere. He decided not to oppose it. He did the right thing. He is still alive. That is the most important thing for a man.


Norbekov does not need to be bought, a man with his education cannot invent anything in the field of diamond making. It's as if the merchandiser of a gift shop wrote your library in a moment of inspiration without any knowledge of programming. As for "everlasting wheels", they all have one thing in common - any one of them literally lacks some nonsense to make a real spin. And the easiest way to explain this is through the machinations of lobbyists and Freemasons.
This does not apply to projects that have a physical justification but no practical output at the moment (fusion, solar energy, earth rotation energy, etc.).


If there are suddenly more than 24 hours in the day, you should know that the Bryansk pensioners are to blame. They steal, you see, the energy of rotation of Mother Earth.

Uncle Vitya, may I at least give you a hint how it is? (because I do not sleep well chronically)))


If there are suddenly more than 24 hours in the day, you know that the Bryansk pensioners are to blame. They steal, you see, the energy of rotation of Mother Earth.

Uncle Vitya, may I at least give you a hint how it is? (because I do not sleep well chronically)))

What's there to hint at, tidal power plants are already in operation and the Greens are demanding that they be stopped so they don't slow down the Earth's rotation.
What's there to imply, tidal power plants are already in operation and the Greens are demanding they be stopped so they don't slow down the Earth's rotation.
Oh, so you don't know the nature of the tides yet? You should. Mother Earth's rotation has absolutely nothing to do with it, if anything. The moon, by the way, is also very indirectly involved.
All right, forget it, let's keep laughing.
Oh, so you don't know the nature of the tides yet? You should. It's got nothing to do with the rotation of Mother Earth, if you know what I mean.
All right, forget it. Keep the humor going.
Spin an egg (chicken, on the table ), read up on the source of tidal energy, and the effect of tidal stations on their energy balance. Maybe you'll change your mind.
Nah - I'm not cheating any more. Too much reading and egg twisting (chicken, on the table)).
There is an old parable about a gambler in the stock market. He was very gambling; every failure only encouraged him and pushed him to make more trades. At first, he used fundamental analysis to make trades. Complex models, which would predict the movement of share prices on the basis of detailed statistics, did not work either. Unexpected events - droughts or floods, collapse or bankruptcy of financial corporations - kept interfering with his calculations. Finally, having despaired of the method, the stockbroker decided to try graphical analysis. Closely following price charts, trying to find recurring patterns was to reveal to him the secrets of success. He was the first to discover the patterns of the daily lows of the "shark's tooth" and the highs of the "tops of the Himalayas". But it turned out that the reliability of the patterns vanished in a moment as soon as trades were made on their basis. Each time the market reversed as if by chance. So he decided to exclude his own emotions from the decision-making process. The decision was made to trade with the help of the computer
trading system. Tireless testing of existing trading systems suddenly revealed an interesting regularity: buying cocoa beans, olive oil and Canadian dollar on the second Wednesday of a month with an even number of days and closing these deals on the first Friday of the same month brought quite a good profit during the last seven years. Incredibly, this well researched pattern immediately stopped working as soon as he opened a position with it. Another failure.
The stockbroker then tried many other methods (Elliott wave chart, Fibonacci number sequence, Gann grid, and even the influence of phases of the moon), but all proved to be as completely ineffective. And one day he decided to turn to the great guru, who lived on the mountain in the Himalayas, which was practically inaccessible for him, and who answered all the questions of all the pilgrims who could reach him. Our trader got there.
"Oh, sage," he said, "I am a totally desperate man. For years I have been looking for a way to success in the stock market game, and all to no avail. What is the secret here?"
The Guru thought for a moment and then looked carefully at his guest and said only one word: "POPPRODO."
"POPEPRODO?" - our trader did not understand anything. He thought about it constantly, every minute. But the meaning remained incomprehensible. The stockbroker asked everyone he knew who could help him understand the meaning of the word. Finally one of his friends explained:
"It's quite simple - Buy Cheap, Sell Expensive.
Nah - I'm not changing it any more. Too much reading and spinning eggs (chicken, on the table))).
I'll have to expand your reading list. Wikipedia for starters.

Tidal energy

Main article: Tidal power plant

This type of power station is a special kind of hydroelectric power plant,
harnessing the energy of the tides, and in fact the kinetic energy of the earth's rotation.