Catastrophe theory - page 10


He is not a storyteller but a professional hereditary trader.

Diplomas, medals at exhibitions etc.

You should introduce him to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. There are child labour standards there. Otherwise maybe the Metakwots are exploiting him a lot and mispaying the entertainment for the forum.

sand: Alexey, you are not a moderator any more?

On the fourth, no more. Extreme games are contraindicated to moderators.

P.S. That's why they are moderators, from moderate.

On the fourth, no more. Extreme games are contraindicated to moderators.

Mon-Fri - valerian, Fri - gin, rum, etc.

Diplomas, medals at exhibitions, etc.

You should introduce him to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. There are child labour standards there. Or maybe the Metakvots exploit him heavily and pay him incorrectly for forum entertainment.

He modestly wrote in his profile "About me ---- Professional trader". But he didn't mean that he earns money trading, he meant that he can trade like a professional at the highest level.

I remember him after registration...still under the nickname Svinotavr in some thread he wrote that he can easily make no less than 100% annually, but he does not need it yet.


Can someone help with a link to the book

Handbook of Economic Forecasting

I found it like this, I don't know how to take it out, but it's bearable.

modestly wrote in his profile "About me ---- Professional trader" . But he did not mean that he earns money trading, but that he can trade like a professional of the highest level.

I remember that after registering...still under the nickname Svinotavr wrote in some thread that he could easily make at least 100% p.a., but he didn't need it yet.

Apparently he reached enlightenment before he was born and now he "can" but not "wants" to.

The anecdote comes to mind:

a conversation between schoolchildren

- have you had sex yet?

- No, but in theory I know all the ins and outs.

On the fourth, no more. Extreme games are contraindicated to moderators.

What kind of extreme games are they?
I found it like this, I don't know how to take it out, but it's bearable to read.
Thank you. You can get an idea. It's a very interesting book.
Colder weather coming from the accident in the Gulf of Mexico, when will the snow melt next spring in May or June?
The weather is lousy!
- It's because of the Gulf Stream.
- What is he, Jewish?
- No. The current.
- Masonic?
- Oceanic.
- From Israel?
- No. From America.
- I knew it. The sun's shining there, and we're supposed to be freezing here.
- No, it's not. It's night there.
- How do you know everything? What are you, a Jew?!
The weather is lousy!
- It's the Gulf Stream.
- Is he Jewish?
- No. The current.
- Masonic?
- Oceanic.
- From Israel?
- No. From America.
- I knew it. The sun's shining there, and we're supposed to be freezing here.
- No, it's not. It's night there.
- How do you know everything? What are you, a Jew?!

How do people live in Israel, they're all Jews.