[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 71


2012.02.03 14:00:00 '3712081': order was opened : #154470862 sell 0.19 EURUSD at 1.31443 sl: 1.32455 tp: 1.30455

EURUSD, Probability for Short (Sell) position: 0.5776

the news is tight....

Germany does not shine, the next eu seals may not give a boost either and there peyrols with a 3 hour difference are also doubtful to be in favor of the eu

2012.02.03 14:00:00 '3712081': order was opened : #154470862 sell 0.19 EURUSD at 1.31443 sl: 1.32455 tp: 1.30455

what is it?

Germany does not shine, the next eu seals may not give a boost either and there peyrols with a 3 hour difference are also doubtful in favour of the eu

no google theyrolls, what is it?
Non-agricultural employment in Pindostan

no google theyrolls, what is it?

You'd better imagine shovelling snickers, the question is only today or early next week))))

The next day the markets in the EU may not give a boost and there peyrols with a difference of 3 hours is also doubtful that in favor of the eu

i am waiting for the markets ... stop in the boo and all ... america has kicked me in the head so many times on friday that i do not want to get involved

What's that?
It's a long explanation if you don't get it right the first time.
Non-agricultural employment in pindostan

There is no agriculture anywhere, not including dacha owners, everything is imported from china ))))
Why did you write to the villagers? They're all going to migrate here now.