[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 725

Well some for sure, I confirm )))

Mobile's got your clients for you))))

Mobile's got you some clients))))
it's not clear who needs it most))))
Mobile has got you some clients))))
It's still far away from the villagers )))) There are some customer-switching gurus there )))) And now there's a new guru - waiting for an influx of customers )))
Well, it is still far away from the villagers )))) There are some customer-switching gurus there )))) And now there is a new guru - I am waiting for an influx of customers )))

And the link?

Hey, have you got a 30-minute divergence on the sell yet?

Stranger look at how the price has gone compared to this morning's screenshot

Hey, have you got a 30 minute divergence on the sell yet?

Nah, still smoking)))

Nah, smoke some more.))

well, i have the prerequisites for it...

and besides, if you don't offer me infusion on fly agarics, go smoke....

By the way, where's Emo? Did Dr. Kolya stop by?


well, i have the prerequisites for it...

and besides, if you don't offer me infusion on fly agarics, go smoke....

By the way, where's Emo? Did Dr. Kolya stop by?

Why would she come in - she was in the baths.

Why would she come in - she was standing in the bays.

you mean we won't see it until summer?

the minutes said a mona diver at 30 m. feel for....