[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 724


Guys, it's not a matter of theory - there's plenty of it on the web - it's more about experience. Believe me, I have a VERY large amount of it in the lochs. Until you open it 10 times (including unsuccessfully), you won't learn. Today's lock is already considered opened, because it's already positive.
This is not a prediction topic, trends is a topic for a separate forum thread! (please!)

Listen, Stranger, have you got nothing better to do? Or have you been smoking?

Mobilych, come by more often as you're here so you can at least have a laugh))))

Listen, Stranger, have you got nothing better to do? Or have you been smoking?
he likes mushrooms)))))
he likes mushrooms)))))
right! degrees confused with price )))))
well yes! degrees confused with price )))))
it's not what happens after a fly swatter )))) the connoisseurs told me)
This is not a predictions thread, trends is a topic for a separate forum thread! (please!)

If you need advice, Skype me (in private)

If you need advice, Skype me (in private).

They're all out for advice already)))))))))))))))))
Well some for sure, I confirm )))
there was a setback on the triggering of the tap
I'm backing out at the trigger of an rip

Yep ) I closed it )