[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 607

It's not my fault who isn't amused.

Uncle Kolya, even I'm already out of sales, even though I'm stupid )))

from shopping, that is ))))

An owl is a set of drawing scripts and a couple of turkeys )))) For an automaton it is necessary to calculate the intersection of so many lines by linear equations, which is such a bummer, it's easier to do it by hand )))) Besides, the tests are not over ))))
testing will work out (beep-beep-beep-.....))
for counting - feet first, yeah a cool feature counting and feet first ha ha ha
thank you, that's funny...)))
you said in the sell next week.
Я??? I couldn't have said that. It's in context there. Opening on a Friday night with the prospect of next week is fifti-fifti, I don't work that way )))

D to you uncle kolya, even I'm already out of sales, even though I'm stupid ))))

Two for you Gina )))) look at my nickname, then think again.
Where has the mobile disappeared to, he must have already counted the depot ))))
Two for you Gina )))) look at my nickname, then think again.

it's just a nickname, marginal crap... hmm... yeah... ahem... I'll shut up)))
I traded 1 lot of silver for 806 today ...margin ...50 USD a pip, 10 pips spread - 500 points... I even got sweaty ...doubled my deposit by 26 pips in one go ...it was cool, but it was the last time ...I think I have a fever till Monday ...I'll go and taste some moldavian wine from the fridge .

congratulations!!!!!!!!!! ))))))))))))))
Generally wanted to delete from the terminal, that 170pp. growth not eu!!! - I lost 2/3 of my profit the same night on gold (sold it :((. )
I traded 1 lot of silver for 866 today ... my margin was $845 ... price per pip $50, 10 point spread minus 500 points... I even got sweaty ... doubled my deposit in one swing for 26 pips ... it was cool, but it was the last time. I think i have to go feverishly till monday ... i'll go tasting Moldovan wine from the fridge .
Mass epidemic ))))