[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 560

There'll be no nightcap tonight!

Bye-bye and go to sleep ))))

Yeah I'm already in a double, I do not even know how not to sleep :) Although I realise there's nothing to catch here. (((((


I'm already in a double, I don't know how I can't sleep :) Although I realise there's nothing to catch here. (((((
I'm not sleeping either, I'm busy tomorrow ....))))
Go to sleep, you hot Estonian boys. Tomorrow is Saturday...
Go to sleep, you hot Estonian boys. Tomorrow is Saturday...
Hi...)) means Shabat Shalom Shabit Shamit ;)))

Who was wondering why the airliner? What's Concordia got to do with it?

The "insurance" payout is an all-time record $1 billion !!! WOW!))

and the eu could go as low as 2926........ while the upside is cancelled... we missed the reversal pattern at 4 o'clock... it was obvious...

Nope))) I overslept, passed out at 10pm and didn't catch the pause)