[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 714


I agree with DK, and simply Stranger when you have a problem you do not tell everyone about it. You just fix it quietly, but here the man voiced his actions and seles, and locks and so on...

So it's a waste of time turning this thread into a bazaar, let's talk about it...

By the way, just for the record, I found another one of my old drained accounts. There's $1.18 in it and I'll see what I can do with it tonight)

I don't mean yesterday, I just find it funny that everyone gathered at 24-26, I wonder if the price would have made it to 1.28.
Hi! Well he who laughs last laughs (c) (I think this will be MM's last), what did the MN close tell you.
Now probably towards 1.3160 ?
With all due respect to Stranger, I note that Mobile, for all his faults, is very often right in his predictions. And to attack him just because he has an unconventional stance and adios behavior I consider weakness. I do not support his trading. But as many people as there are opinions. And Mobile's opinion is entitled to life.

I'll see what you'll say when he drives you all into the sells, but that's your business, I'll shut up.

I'll see what you'll be singing when he drives you all into the sells, but that's your business, I'll shut up.
I'll say it again - it's stupid to trade on someone else's screencaps....
Hi! He who laughs last laughs well (c) (I think this will be MM's last), what did MN's closure tell you.

No comment.
By the way, just for the record, I found another one of my old drained accounts. There's $1.18 in it and I'll see what I can do with it tonight)
I just can't ))))) wrote yesterday that you already lost an account. Actually, I wanted to try Alp... I'm not a trader. I'll give you $10 from a non-trading account to a micro account. No, you can do it again. The advantage is psychological looseness, no stops!
Now probably towards 1.3160 ?

That's probably how it is for now:



I just can't ))))) I wrote yesterday that you've lost count of the accounts you've drained. Actually, I wanted to try Alp... You move $10 from a non-trading account to a micro account... No, you can do it again. The advantage is psychological looseness, no stops!

I think I wrote a long time ago that I've been in forex for a long time! I have dozens of lost accounts. I've lost at least 100 times for sure. But have you ever thought that with every loss comes some kind of experience?

P.S. I, unlike many, do not hide it. There's no trader who hasn't lost. I'm not putting my eggs in one basket. I'm sure you and Stranger have lost more than once. And that's not an indicator of anything.