[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 581

Unfortunately he can't trade, and neither can his family members. But otherwise, I think the market has already considered everything he has to say....
Members may not, but nephews (nieces and nephews) can, and how: americans have a treasury secretary afraid that if stupid Abama caves in, he will not even be at the piggy bank. I would tell my family where to drop the Euros, even for free.
It takes an hour to shop and it doesn't grow. What does that tell you????

It's elementary )))) If it's not going up, it's going down. If it's going up, it's going up )))
You're a Shark! Clench your teeth!

:)))) Glad you appreciate it :)))))))
Maybe not, but cunts (nieces and nephews) can, and how: the U.S. treasury secretary is afraid that if stupid Abama slips away, he will not be at the piggy bank.

Remember, the minister resigned because his wife played against the cheif.

I'm not.... i'm not bullshitting you, how could you think that of me:)))))))))))

no you're shitting me )))) ok, i'm stupid but i understand that they have it all planned for years in advance who gets what and when, private traders are just mosquitoes that they kill in packs every day, they only care about their own pockets, and I will never believe that they do not earn money on the foe.... now... so many freebies under his nose and it depends on him... isn't it funny? ))))

Remember when the minister resigned because his wife played against the cheif.
When was that?

No..... still a delta cluster is missing one induke. OK, forget it....

tell me how many minutes before the show, it's a long way from Kiev and I can't count.... oh,these time zones..... :)))))

January Switzerland Hildenbrandt
I give the signal - with everything I can at the sell.... NOW!

No )))) I am stupid, but I understand that they have it all planned for years in advance, and private traders are just gnats that they kill in batches every day, they only care about their own pockets, and I will never believe that they do not earn money on the foe.... now... so many freebies under his nose and depending on him... don't you think it's funny? ))))

You know, there comes a time in life when you're not interested in money. When money is not the main thing in life, believe me, that's when you start to have different feelings. And to the forum, except for the adrenaline. I think Draghi had such a moment a VERY long time ago, so he is hardly that greedy. Imagine having an amount of money you could never spend. NEVER. how would you feel then???? Emodette, you don't need emotions..... I hope you have a good imagination and that you can just imagine it.... Just make sure you tell us how it is???? When you don't need the money.......