[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 449


I was talking to my grandfather)))

With whose help (in terms of programmes) do you communicate with granddad, if it's not a secret.
The market is a bit strange today... It's like I'm running it. I've never had anything like this before... Whatever way the order was opened, it immediately went that way. It's usually the other way round ))))
The market is a bit strange today... It's like I'm running it. I've never had anything like this before... Whatever way the order was opened, it immediately went that way. It's usually the other way round ))))
So why are you always twitching, make up your mind and go in one direction.
So why do you keep yanking, make up your mind and pull to one side.

I'm amazed now)))

just got caught up ))))

so drag to 1.5....

we'll help))))


so drag to 1.5....

we'll help))))

Nah, I have TP at 1.3050 )))) I think I'll get it there.

Nah, my TP is at 1.3050 )))
1.2980 (the pendulum does not show higher EuR)

Does anyone know if the top row has buy volumes of 1900 and the bottom row has sell volumes of 600 - is that what it shows? Also, where is the current price?

Stranger tell me, does the delta cluster show buy and sell volumes and where are they written?
Hi, the sranger is having technical problems and can't access the forum http://clusterdelta.com/main download the software, read the description of how it works
Hi, the sranger is having technical problems and can't get on the forum http://clusterdelta.com/main download the software, read the description of how it works
The screenshot at the top of the arrows can explain please... (I'll read it later).