[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 447


And there's still a crisis at the end of the year)))

What kind of crisis? Have you ever thought that if you know such an event in advance (about the crisis), usually the opposite can happen?

What about the crisis? Have you ever thought that if you know such an event in advance (about the crisis), it can usually work the other way round?

I will think about it and if you behave well, I will cancel it)))

I didn't write 1.1, I wrote 1.15 for the end of the year and it's on.
Hi! Having fun? you don't predict :))) (and 1.57 on and 1.15 - Stranger is never wrong)
By the way, for those interested in my depo - 20% drawdown already ))))
Hi! Having fun? You're not predicting :))) (and 1.57 is valid and 1.15 - Stranger is never wrong)

Sick - I'll sneak it in)))) Did you at least buy from the gap or are you going to print sell screens again?)))
By the way Stranger, are you expecting 1.3050 today ?
By the way, for those interested in my depo - 20% drawdown already ))))

So there's more to go ))))))

By the way Stranger, are you expecting 1.3050 today ?

Not today, but tomorrow.

I'm sick - I'll let it go))))
Draw it :))))! how it goes first 57 then 1.15 and calculate the speed :)))) (how many points a day - and has there ever been such a speed - or are you going to smear it with turpentine?)

So there is something to refill ))))))

I didn't refill.