[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 217

Hmmm and the eura doesn't happen to yell anything to you????
I still think it would be a good idea to buy up on kickbacks now....
Hmmm and the eura doesn't happen to yell anything to you????

It's whispering)))

She's whispering)))

aha.... it's New Year's Eve)) buy me and you'll need me))))

Sachs downgraded the forecast to 1.22)))

Hmmm and the eura doesn't happen to yell anything to you????
2667 buy limit.
Yeah, that's the news.... and the movement is not weak, someone became a millionaire overnight....

And the pound is straight up screaming: BUY ME!!!))

got it in time? )))))
Yeah, that's the news.... and the movement is not weak, someone became a millionaire overnight....

Emo baby isn't you by any chance?????
did you make it? )))))

I always make it in time because I don't catch peaks)))
Yeah, that's the news.... and the movement is not weak, someone became a millionaire overnight....
Just under the TP.... wait for....