[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 169


What are we going to do? :)

I'm on the fence for now. Finishing the Eurochief out of boredom.

I think so too - by the girls :)

What do you think of the pound? Seems like a good place to buy? Or should we wait?
What do you think of the pound? Seems like a good place to buy? or should we wait?

Wait ))))
artikul: Wait ))))
wait and sell the pound! ;)

For the girls...


I apologise to everyone. I closed my sells. Somehow I don't feel confident anymore. Profit was only 113pp (((.

I think your intuition didn't let you down this time either. Watch and wait.


2012.01.11 19:25:10 *Euro falls to new record low against Australian dollar DJ FOREX

here's the reason for the kangaroo's inadequate behaviour on jan 11...

Weird what this news means, it has been updating the record since November in a day. Setting up for a pullback . Buy audusd to spite my enemies
The kangaroo is a mess, you can't figure it out without a bottle))), it's been dragging back and forth for two days, but the bears are in charge.

A treatise on moose........

The other day I was at home the other day. There was nothing much to do, and in order not to "fall asleep!!!" I thought I would sell some money to make some extra money. It was evening ..........

On the next downward spurt, a position was opened... Faster, faster I thought.... I thought, "Hurry up, hurry up," until I was too late for the expess, locomotive, blue arrow...... Having jumped onto the last step of the train, I managed to hold on and started moving towards my cherished dream. I stuck my head out of the window and raced like a happy dog with my ears in the wind and a stupid smile on my face. Everything was fine.....

But suddenly, the Train came to an abrupt halt, as if it had run into an insurmountable obstacle. And from that impact, it was thrown backwards, along with the train filling up with young steers. But I was a strong bear, much tougher and more assertive than these unshaved, unexperienced bulls..... However, the train kept on going in the opposite direction. Suddenly, a missile of such force, such mass, was thrown on the train that it slowed it down, but it didn't stop it or turn it around. BUT I WAS A BADASS BEAR. I was a badass bear, albeit a bit battered...... As I looked around I began to notice that those who had just recently been around, standing shoulder to shoulder in the fight for a righteous cause, were suddenly beginning to change their shoes. I became wary...... Alone, without seeing anyone close to me, I looked around and saw him. He was handsome, well-fed, with good branched horns cheerfully holding his head up. I did not wait for him to grow up and become even more beautiful, I had no need for that. Having approached it quickly and shook a paw at it, I hurried to the same train, but already moving in another direction...... This time with the bulls. I'd hate to run into that shaggy-horned friend again, who's on the path of everyone who doesn't understand what train they're on......