[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 173


I'd like to see a sane investor who will give me money to manage on the basis of a gut trade, other than this


I'd like to see a sane investor who will give money to be managed on the basis of a gut trade, other than this

You go to Alpari or Insta and look at the PAMMs. You will see what they are investing in and how much they are investing. I do not really care how - the main thing is the result.

You go to Alpari or insta and run through the PAMMs. And you will see what they invest in and how much. And really, I would not give a damn how - the main thing is the result.

I agree that for an investor it may be so. But for a good investor, knowing the principles of your trading is a must...... I, as an investor, am curious about the principles by which trading takes place. It does not matter how and based on what you make decisions, you do not need to tell all the details, but the principle and imaginative narrative of your trade should go..... Otherwise there is no way....
There may not be any gusher..... We could go slowly upwards, although there will be something in the lower frames.....
There may not be any gusher..... We could go slowly upwards, although there will be something in the lower frames.....
Yeah you're right there was no scoop. )

I think it will)


I think it will)

didn't wait, closed at 1.2753)
didn't wait, closed at 1.2753)

By the way, a strong level, confirmed by volumes..... + resistance started to emerge on the minutes...... When we break it we will move on... up....
Why is there no interest rate news in my terminal???? Can't see it, although it's about time.....
There will be a strong impulse wave upwards ))))