A question for those who are making money on forex. - page 28

Meat: This always happens when you close counter orders. I do not know about that.

I've heard about it, I just did not use it, I did not need it. I see that it was so: the opening of the opposite order is just at the closure of the first one. Is it in netting brokerage companies, or is it CloseBy()?

And by the way, it is really alarming why for such a profitable (and large) trade some little-known small DC, which appeared only recently, was chosen... After all, there are large, proven companies which have been on the market for a long time.

So, it's a promotion. In short, it is a bait for scalpers.

Long spotted, the cat with the beer is a savvy entity)

Even, through the page does not open the hanging forum, it is visible as hidden advertising, driving the deer, stumped by the "question to those who can earn money on forex," to get for cheap, great shiny scoop.



Yes, I've heard of it, I just haven't used it myself, I didn't need to. I see that it did: opening the opposite one - just at the closure of the first one. Is it in netting brokerage companies, or is it CloseBy()?

So, it's a promotion. In short, it is a bait for pipsers.

1. CloseBy().

2. Maybe, it is a bait... So, we have to wait until the trader orders the withdrawal, and then everything will become clear :)

But still, it would not hurt to check their trades for "marketability"... Rustein, try what you can do: ask them for the investment password from the account, then drag the whole history of deals on the EURUSD chart, then connect to the server of some well-known brokerage company, for example****** and check that the arrows on the orders were within the range of existing minute candles. Or, better, let these robbers simply show you the results of trading at the same A******. As opposed to some little-known companies, it is unlikely that falsification is possible there. And the quotes are definitely not crooked.

There are plenty of working goodies in the Villagers thread. One of them I'm using now (yes, yes, on the real thing), though with my tweaking and with manual control.

At least hints on the approach and algorithm, no desire to share them in the "villagers" branch...?

I downloaded the report file from there (you will see it at the top right).

And here's the kicker: almost half of the trades (2077 out of 4164, I counted in Excel) were closed at the opening price. This is at five digits! And almost all of them were opened with zero volume. Do you believe this, rustein?

P.S. I don't have a working pipsizer as I am one of the victims of the local old boys mentality. I've never even tried to make one.

If the spread is half a pips on Eurobucks and there is guaranteed execution, it is elementary to make a pips.

At least hints on the approach and algorithm, no desire to share with them in the "villagers" branch...?

Wouldn't parkua? I'll share.


If the spread is half a pips on Eurobucks and guaranteed execution - making a pips is elementary.

If it is elementary, tell me how.


I have experience of trading on the MICEX and I have talked to many successful traders, on average, only 1 out of 20 trainees is able to earn on the exchange. But pro traders with whom I communicated do not know any trader who earned on Forex. Although on the stock exchange for many instruments the put has no special importance (for example, Gazprom or futures on RTS). In Forex there is no market rate, so why is it more difficult to earn there than in futures trading on the index? After all, in fact both of them have only a bare chart (the market on the futures is not so important)?

You have to dedicate your life to the stock market to make money. You have to study companies, watch over their statements, in order not to see who goes bankrupt, homodriving, in a word. In Forex one can trade on the machine in a full nipple mode (only in profit) and not to hiccup, and do other things in parallel. In my opinion, the choice should be obvious
You have to dedicate your life to the stock market to make money. You have to study all sorts of companies, keep an eye on the accounts to make sure they don't go bankrupt, homodriving, in a word. In Forex you can trade on the machine in a full nipple mode (only in profit) and not to hiccup, and do other things in parallel. In my opinion, the choice should be obvious

What you have described applies to fundamentalists and investors. In the stock market you can trade the same way as in Forex, using technical indicators and automatic machines. There is another big plus: you can pipsaw at a mind-blowing rate of several thousand trades per hour.

What you are describing applies to fundamentals and investors. In the stock market you can trade the same way as in forex, using technical indicators and automated machines. There's another fat plus: you can pipsize at a mind-boggling rate of several thousand trades an hour.

Could you, for the sake of emphasising the fundamentals beliefs, name the company through which you trade?

You can pivot a couple of letters, like in "Field of Wonder", first and last ).

I'm one of the fools, that's for sure )
I don't have enough through the investment password...
Can you elaborate on the smoothing?
That's really how to check if you can't run it in a tester?

I don`t trust the tester that much ) but it`s the most reliable option...

Alexey, I may have a demo, but I need a Pips Manager with the statistics of at least 10 000 trades.

I will try to use a Pips handler that has at least 10 000 trades. There is a filter at the DTs entry. It smoothes incoming quotes. The filter can be adjusted. The stiffer it is, the less ticks will be. You should choose your brokerage companies. One fast one with many ticks and one slow one with few ticks. Volumes on the chart are tick volumes, it's easy to look for them. Then the program is being modelled, one EA is placed on the fast one, and the other one on the slow one, and the trade is performed on the slow one. As soon as the difference in the quotes reaches a certain value, on the slow one we enter the market in the direction of the future but already known quote. There are programs for connecting to even faster quotes, not on mt4. The owner of a slow broker, sooner or later will readjust the filter. They withdraw money but not much. There are no stupid sponsors.

The fact of withdrawal of money may appear on the monitoring. But not the fact of their earnings. A broker may draw anything and it will appear in the monitoring. A few dozen sales of such an advisor will repay all the costs associated with opening such a brokerage house.