[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 723


Hold the trailer. TP can also be 3 or 30 - everything trades. I did 5 pips.

I'll have a look!
demoforex - USD currency. People recommended it here. So far I haven't traded there on the real, I don't know myself.

Hold the trailer. TP can also be 3 or 30 - everything trades. I did 5 pips.

OK, I'll check it out.
demoforex - USD currency. People recommended it here. So far I haven't traded there on the real, I don't know myself.

It's very possible that my dtz is not allowed to do this!

It is quite possible that my brokerage company did not allow anything!

Probably, my brokerage company allows you to do something wrong.

But to go poking around in the dark... - just pouring dépas... IMHO... Ask them questions about all aspects of trading, make a list including - how many possible order modifications per minute so you don't fuck up their server, so they don't disable you from trading with your trading account .... etc.

Write out everything point by point, ask questions, get the answers you need from them... anything you don't understand... read their rules, terms and conditions carefully....

ONLY then charge the hut and go for it, you don't need that 0.01 micro... Probably better to chop, so chop exactly with 0.1 without a huge maximum on PAMM at the start ... :-)

demoforex - currency USD. I've been recommended by people here. I have not traded there for real yet, I don't know myself.

Gap level - criteria for gap mode activation (if the price gap is equal to or greater than the set level, the gap mode is activated). It is used for automatic execution of orders(Stop Loss is executed at gap price, Take Profit at order price). If an order with Take Profit price was placed and the gap overshot the order price and Take Profit price in gap mode, this order will be rejected (non-market prices, see clause 4.11. of Client Agreement and clause 4.13. of the Regulations).

ZZY It is "from there", translated into our, human language: "the loss on the stop will be written off, but the profit on the take you dick".


ZZY It's "from there", translated into our, human language: "You'll make a profit on stop, but you won't make a profit on take"...

That's the way they are. I read it, I know. At least it's all in Russian. I know English with a dictionary... :-) I do not know what they made up... :-)

When I'm in the real world :-), I'll be charging them... In the meantime, I'm preparing the dough, translating their trading conditions, regulations, agreements and other documents...

That's what they do. I read it, I know. At least it's all in Russian. I know English with a dictionary... :-) I don't know what they made up... :-)

I don't know how you can sign up for something like that.

If you don't know English, get someone to translate it for you. At the very least, google translator will do.

You guys are already playing with fire, taking deliberate risks associated with trading decisions (sludge and avalanches), and now you are taking risks that are beyond your control!


I don't know how you can sign up for something like that.

If you don't know English, get someone to translate it for you. At the very least, google translator will do.

You guys are already playing with fire, you knowingly take risks with your trading decisions (sludge and avalanches) and now you are taking risks that are beyond your control!

See my previous post... Already translating myself, including google and translate...

See my previous post... Already translating myself, including google and translate...
There, that's better. And forget about that hole.