[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 56



For now, a long... somewhere towards 3680 (the channel is just visible) I'll probably sell from there...

I wonder if I have a buy stop there...?

put it away for good measure)))


i wonder if i have a buy stop there?

I took it out of the way))))

if you've had a strong move in the same direction... the pullback may take you down by the end of the day (intraday pip)

I don't go high...shorted a little for a while (too late though)...next comes america and they are resting and will probably flat...Such a picture looks like this...hz we'll see...generally time to rest (end of the week)))


I would not sell now. At 1.38 buy is hovering.

If you put the sloping support-resistance lines on the chart... you can see that it may go up and then down with the same strength... may not even make it to 1.38... I'm usually inclined to go down ))))


I'm leaning towards the fall as usual )))

I'm personally betting on a rise.

Vizard: I'm inclined to fall as usual ))))

andreika : I personally bet on the rise.

You may not open an account with any broker,

You may set up your own "kitchen" and save on commissions! )))


Vizard: I'm inclined to fall as usual ))))

andreika : I personally bet on the rise.

You may not open an account with any broker,

You may set up your own "kitchen" and save on commissions! )))

it's more interesting here
I'm personally betting on growth.

You're doing the right thing, and line guessers will still be guessing (come 25 years from now it will all be the same)

You're doing the right thing, and the fortune tellers with lines will still be guessing (come 25 years from now it will be the same)
that's right, the nearest target is 1.372
that's right, the nearest target is 1.372

For today, it's 1.3620.
Where did you get this information from?