[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 119


We are going down:

2011.11.25 20:00:08 gold-dust_v8 EURUSD,M15: open #146030679 sell 1.00 EURUSD at 1.32643 sl: 1.33065 tp: 1.32265 ok


The Aussie is also going down

2011.11.25 20:15:02 gold-dust_v8 AUDUSD,M15: open #146034986 sell 1.00 AUDUSD at 0.97580 sl: 0.98196 tp: 0.96996 ok

While you were fiddling, both positions closed by Takei.

Who cares about some stinking Germany or Greece? I, for example, am more concerned about how an advisor earns money than some Greek or Kraut.


Hot news

2011.11.26 00:15:04 gold-dust_v8 EURUSD,M15: open #146076252 buy 1.00 EURUSD at 1.32264 sl: 1.31850 tp: 1.32650 ok

2011.11.26 00:15:02 gold-dust_v8 AUDUSD,M15: open #146076250 sell 1.00 AUDUSD at 0.96912 sl: 0.97562 tp: 0.96362 ok


While you've been fiddling around, both positions have closed with the take.

Who cares about some stinking Germany or Greece? I, for example, am more concerned about how the EA will earn money, not some Greek or a half-assed Kraut.



Who the Germans or Greeks are in the bum is still a question)))

They're all 'out there'... That's what Romanov writes:

I want to understand the reason for the pressure on sterling, and I see nothing but general rhetoric. One member from the MRS will say "I see recession!" but see no new quantitative easing, then another, also a member, calls for new QE. So what? In light of what is happening, it has long been clear that no one will be short sighted. More accurately, it's not even like that. All have long been ready that we should not expect anything good for the next ten years. It will be stagnation, or recession, or periodic recessions followed by a sluggish correction. And there will be new QE, if they still have the money for it. There will be wherever the major printing presses of the world are. There will be in America, there will be in Britain, there will be in Europe. The only question is who will do it more brazenly and thoughtlessly, but at the risk of a bigger and more painful fall and reaching default. By the way, the closest to it is America, because they were waving their sabers, the printing press was humming furiously. Debt is over 15 trillion. Treasuries are in demand. So far, heh. Anyway, it's all nonsense about sterling. Nothing particularly bad there, in Britain, to kill sterling. Rather, psychologically, there may be talk of the pound as a safe haven asset again. Against the backdrop of eurozone drama.


Interesting talk in the last few pages. So we're burying Europe....

I remember in 2008-2009 they were burying America in chorus, Hazin was choking on it. But it was interesting to read, even fascinating.

I've read the last 3 pages and don't understand anything....... Can someone clearly express their thoughts like: "...I think the eu will go down, followed by the pound...". Otherwise everyone's talking in metaphors. Guys, let's be objective in assessing the situation and express our thoughts about it! For example, I think that if the EUR breaks through the level of 1,3145 and more or less stays below it, it may go south by 200 pips. I expect correction up to 1,3450 next week, though. And let's speak with concrete figures, not riddles. I am not strong in the fundamentals and reading the wisdom of some Moody's and the like!

Interesting talk in the last few pages. So we're burying Europe....

I remember in 2008-2009 they were burying America in chorus, Hazin was choking on it. But it was interesting to read, even fascinating.

That's what I'm saying, as soon as the funerals start, it's time for a trend change, at least in the medium term.
I've read the last 3 pages and don't understand anything....... Can someone clearly express their thoughts like: "...I think the eu will go down, followed by the pound...". Otherwise everyone's talking in metaphors. Let's talk objectively about the situation and express our thoughts about it! For example, I think that if the EUR breaks through the level of 1,3145 and more or less stays below it, it may go south by 200 pips. I expect correction up to 1,3450 next week, though. And let's speak with concrete figures, not riddles. I am not strong in the fundamentals and reading the wisdom of some Moody's and the like!

Why guess and think, trade according to the situation and nothing happens, otherwise: "I think it will go there", but it just did not go)))

...trade according to the situation and that's it, ... "I think she'll go there" and she didn't)))

and so on 25 times a day ))))


Hi! Exactly, no signal from the trading system, so why guess where it will go)))