[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 12


One assumes and the market disposes.


One assumes and the market disposes.

What did you do with the last blue page? ;)
...... and then some other important event will happen and Greece will be forgotten altogether....
Yeah, Israel will nuke Iran, etc. )))

What did you do with the last blue page? ;)
It's in the past, the forecast was not 100% true, let it be -1 :)
Falling further: All aid to Greece stopped before the referendum.
It's in the past, the forecast didn't come out 100%, let it be -1 :)

the morning forecast is excellent...

The morning forecast is excellent...
Thanks :), But don't forget Igor! he had a 100% forecast yesterday!

This is a political act by Papandreos. Essentially Greece is like a clamp around the neck for the Eurozone, but they (Merkel and Sarkozy) are holding them to their conscience, they don't need her. Basically why should Greece choose to be in the EU or not, it would be better to consider the opinion of the rest of Europeans. It makes no sense for Greece to refuse aid, if they do they will face an uncontrollable default and they know it.

And the level of 1.3830 was never easy to break through, as I wrote in the old days when we were approaching it ...

margaret, is he that stupid?

I look at eurocurrencies and recall the past. They are buying at the bottom, and only those who have it left. (I wonder who that could be :) )

Maybe Papandreos just has an alternative? Yes, and for the Americans it's two birds with one stone...

Thank you :), But do not forget Igor! He had a 100% forecast yesterday!

Don't forget... the main thing is not to forget that predictions are predictions... trade is trade... and if you don't like something, don't wait for the weather... it's all reasonable...

Although it's more interesting when everything is according to plan...


Yes, I forgot about the pictures: