[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 8

We'll see. Maybe they will promise something interesting )))) Because it has nothing to do with the realities of life.
That's what I read. So did everyone else. It has pushed the euro down from the flat quite nicely. Only I honestly don't understand the reason for going north. Explain if you know. I'm asking without irony.

The reason, I think, is that the artificial aggravation of the situation will push the EU to
to act decisively to save Greece, the collapse of the eurozone is fucked up for their politicians (and I'm in the buy).
time will tell, I'll wait a bit. that's enough for today.
but with numbers?




And furthermore, do you have a weakness...?


super )))) now everything is falling into place )))


А далее, слабо?...

Weak...awaiting your predictions...


super )))) now everything is falling into place )))

glad you liked the humor... know you tried for a reason )))
And furthermore, do you have a weakness...?

why are you so quiet? )))) forecasts in the studio ...

glad you liked the humor... knowing it was worth the effort ))))

humor is good, sarcasm is bad. good thing it was humor.

The bounce was logical, but there is no certainty yet about its continuation and strengthening as a north trend. especially considering tomorrow's events. it's quite difficult to predict events here, but even if there is some growth, it will probably be short-lived