[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 5

I'm sorry, why 1024 and not 512 or 256?



I'm sorry, why 1024 and not 512 or 256?

3 years - 1095 days, as we live in the age of new technology averaged to megabit))) But seriously, computers speed up time and simplify life and the number 3 ..... MUSIC mixed up in a conspiracy.... trying to digitise ))))

Forecasts are slowly coming true, target 1.20+ by November :)

But the most scam was on gold, I was expecting 1400+, not much of a deal with Soros.

Who said anything about November?...correctional growth is still ahead up to 1.33
You don't take three years but four and a half - one of the smaller event cycles.
Who said anything about November?...corrective rise still ahead to 1.33

We'll have to refill, around 11.10


(Busy week)


How many working days are there in a year?

365 is definitely less. Plus there's no trading on the Emperor's Labor and Happiness holidays...



How many working days are there in a year?

365 is definitely less. Plus there's no trading on the Emperor's Labor and Happiness holidays...





Fundamental Analysis (04 Oct 2011 [Tuesday])

EUR: Universal sadness


The Euro slumped sharply against the Dollar, reaching a low of 1.3163, wiping out all of its gains of the current year. And this fall might continue because of the lack of progress on the Greek bailout. The currency was hit yesterday mainly by the pessimistic sentiment in Europe regarding the expansion of the Stab Fund. Luxembourg Finance Minister Frieden said he doesn't see the need to expand the EFSF, while Salgado from Spain said the fund needs more capacity, not more filling. Finland is not keen on the proposal either, suggesting it would rather discuss the leverage option. The Ecofin meeting closes today, so we look forward to resolutions from European officials regarding the next tranche for Greece. If the EFSF extension is mentioned, the euro could get a boost to the recovery. The nearest target will be the levels of 1.3270 and 1.33 against the dollar.

At the moment investors are waiting for action from the ECB. This week we will see the meeting of the Governing Council, where some changes in the monetary policy may take place. And for today, pay attention to the PPI for the Eurozone as a whole. Given lower producer prices in Germany and France, expect inflationary pressures in the region to ease.

(Akmos Trade)