[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 9


Is it only my DC that has such a candle on the minute or does anyone else have it?


Is it only my DC that has such a candle on the minute or does anyone else have it?

Oh, man... I was shorting at that moment and the stop was in the middle of the snot. But the DC closed the position, of course, at the highest point of this snot with a slippage equal to the stop. Isn't that a bit rough?
Oh, man... I was shorting at that moment and the stop was in the middle of it. But the DC closed the position, of course, at the highest point of this snot with a slippage equal to the stop. Isn't it hard?

My bad, I should have gone long :)

It would have been:


Is it only my DC that has such a candle on the minute or does anyone else have it?


Hi all, no time to visit the forum but today is going to be a very important day...

So, today the interest rate will be announced and after that Trichet will be "dancing around" for the last time (as head of ECB) at the meeting...

So, it is expected that the rate will not change and this, in principle, will mean that all is not so bad in the Eurozone as they say about it in the media...But, after that Trichet will speak and it is unknown what he will say in the end, what today may leave a mark in the history of the ECB is unknown.

Many believe that a rate cut, or at least a hint, will play a positive role for the Euro but in my opinion, if the ECB shows its determination to fix the rate, it will mean that the EUR is a strong currency and the depreciation will stop. If there is a hint of a rate cut, the eu will be at parity.


Thanks for stopping by!

Many happy returns to this forum!

Shorts with a short stop :)



1.what is a trend according to you? (show it on the chart)

2.show me the explanation above in real time with complete walkthrough ... ( over 5-10 working days or other comfortable time )....but not post factum ( on the fly )...

For me, as a long term market maker, there is an upward trend in an upward global movement and a downward trend in a downward market movement. There are no strict boundaries, even if there are, they are temporary as they have the right to break (expand). Although, there were times when in the short term you could buy or sell within a month or two on the trend lines.

Thanks for stopping by!

Many happy returns to this forum!

Shorts with a short stop :)

Nice to see you too!

I have not yet closed my medium-term sell position

By the way, Benya on Tuesday hinted at a 3rd round of quantitative easing + Trichet said they do not intend to cut the rate + the SNB hinted at thinking about setting a new level to limit the franc's rise against the euro.