[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 10


It's like this then :)


I am not posting the information they write on financial websites - it's nonsense, total gibberish. I don't recommend even reading it. The publication of Trichet's and Beni's speeches is like a spoiled phone, they do not publish accurate information anywhere, they write the opinions of various analysts (who do not know what they are saying).

The poor Greece is a pain in the ears, a scapegoat has been found. It is much simpler than that - it is a technical correction of the upward global movement.

The americans are doing badly, one in six are unemployed, they have been buying food with coupons (cards) for a long time now. The US publishes unreliable macro data - everyone knows this already, and they blame everything on Europe, that all the problems are because of Europe and that supposedly a new wave of crisis is now breaking out because of the Eurozone.

Good-looking beauty...
Also, it is very interesting. The people on strike in Greece is all over the TV channels, but the people in the US are on strike under the Federal Reserve building...
Also, it is very interesting. The people on strike in Greece is all over the TV channels, but the people in the US are on strike under the Federal Reserve building...

Are they asking for more money? :)

I am not posting the information that they write on financial websites - it's nonsense, total gibberish. I don't recommend even reading it. The publication of Trichet's and Beni's speeches is like a spoiled phone, they do not publish accurate information anywhere, they write the opinions of various analysts (who do not know what they are saying).

The poor Greece is a pain in the ears, a scapegoat has been found. It is much simpler than that - it is a technical correction of the upward global movement.

The americans have it bad, one in six are unemployed, they have long been buying food with coupons (cards). The US publishes unreliable macro data - everyone knows this already, and they blame everything on Europe, that all the problems are because of Europe and that supposedly a new wave of crisis is now breaking out because of the Eurozone.

Conclusion: Nothing has changed...( Margaret has sympathy for the euro and lots of emotions)
Not ... yuan!

... or, with the application of the Michael Andreevich JA, a franc.

Have a good rest of the night!


Hi all! No time to visit the forum at all, but today is going to be a very important day...

So, today the interest rate will be announced and after that Trichet will be "dancing around" for the last time (as head of ECB) at the meeting...

So, the rate is not expected to change and it will mean that all is not so bad in Eurozone as they say about it in media...But, after that Trichet will speak and nobody knows what he will say in the end, what trace may leave today in the history of ECB nobody knows.

Many believe that a rate cut, or at least a hint, will play a positive role for the Euro, but in my opinion, if the ECB shows its determination to fix the rate, it will mean that the Euro is a strong currency and its decline will stop. If there is a hint of a rate cut, the eu will be at parity.

If they keep the rate, we go to 1.35.

go down - go down...

I myself stand from the bottom towards 1.35...




The Americans are doing badly, one in six are unemployed, they have long been buying food with coupons (cards). The US publishes unreliable macro data - everyone knows this already, and they blame everything on Europe, that all the problems are because of Europe and, supposedly, now there is a new wave of crisis due to the fault of the Eurozone.

If it's so bad in america, it means the dollar will go up even more