[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 8

Yeah ))))
Who got out of the "sharks"

artikul 04.10.2011 21:38

A test run to buy ))))

Yes it's an article then buy - then sell :))


Fundamental Analysis (October 05, 2011 [Wednesday])

Bernanke lurking, Trichet aggressive


The dollar sell-off was most noticeable in the pair with the euro as comments of ECB chief Trichet showed that he is not at all a fan of interest rate cuts. The governor started his speech by saying that price stability is the main goal of the central bank, and that inflation is likely to stay above 2% at the moment. Admitting that the economy is facing downside risks, he said that moderate growth is likely in the second half of the year. Most importantly, Trichet said that he was against the refinancing of bailout funds by the ECB which indicates that options for other bailout programmes are being considered. A boost to the euro was given by a Financial Times article that European finance ministers are discussing the option of recapitalising banks. While the idea is not at all new, it would help ease the pressure on the banking sector.

Meanwhile, there was some disappointing news as Moody's downgraded Italy from Aa2 to A2 with a negative outlook, indicating the likelihood of further downgrades in the future. However, the market reaction was subdued as Moody's only caught up with its counterpart Standard & Poor's which did so back in mid-September. Another negative theme was the ability of European leaders to come up with a solution before Greece runs out of money. So far, it looks like Troika is not getting everything ready in time for mid-October. If so, another wave of sell-off of the Euro will be unavoidable.

The economic data is not drawing attention yet. Yesterday we learned that Eurozone producer price index declined 0.1% in August after an increase of 0.5% in July. Today wait for the publication of the final services PMI. At the moment, demand for risky assets persists and the euro/dollar pair is targeting 1.3350 and further at 1.34.

"Akmos Trade





I agree with your imho:


I agree with your imho:

If anything..... won't be alone, not so sad.....))))
Saw on the M1 (sorry :(()

Thanks ))))


obscenely high probability of passing this zone. (just took a screenshot). there is a forecast cancellation level, but it's a long stomp down to it.




EUR 05.10.