[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 89


especially for andreika...

what do you want? :-)))


especially for andreika...

what do you want? :-)))

How come. 630 trades and not a single loss. strange. then what are you doing here? it's time for you to get out on top of the richest people on the planet.

It was Misha's birthday a couple of days ago.) Congratulations)))

How do you know? Isn't that you mihon?
I did get out, but it's boring.

come looking for hamsters???

a new mihon- but in a different guise.

and when everyone was finally disappointed, he suddenly went up)))
and when everyone was finally disappointed, he suddenly went up)))

♪ it's standing still as we speak ♪
and when everyone was finally disappointed it suddenly went up ))))

But the feeling of serious buying is seen from 1.4100 -1.4080... I don't know... It's up ... but that's where from...)))) next week we'll go for it )))
How do you know? Isn't that you, mihon?
(i'm not you, mihon))))))))
The rich don't notice boredom, that's a fact))))) everything else is RAMASHKA)))) or the illusion of wealth)))

she just haunts him ))))

pinched 4130... but the feeling of serious buying is seen from 1.4100 -1.4080... hz... it's clear that upwards... but from where ...)))) next week we'll catch)))
There were no buys (today is the last Friday of the month), but the interesting thing is that the short positions are not closed