[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 95


I can't help bragging)))

The movement, and someone said 3 days of flat. What are anyone's thoughts?
and someone was talking about 3 days of flat. What do you think?

alive)))) lucky again....

Is that all right?...


Japan did intervene and after the intervention the EUR/USD always slips + today is the last day of the month + last day of Trichet...

In general in the market, many market participants were frustrated that they didn't have time to get into buying, no one expected such a rise, so many will use the decline to buy...

By the way, above 1.4246 did not go as there were no contracts in this range (nothing to grow on)


I am worried about something else... the fact is that the eurozone's problems have not been solved but only postponed... and the money will have to be paid...

+ we hear about a possible reduction of the refinancing rate... 1.28 by the end of the year )))


I am worried about something else... the fact is that the eurozone problems have not been solved but only postponed... and the money will have to be paid...

+ I heard something about a possible reduction of the refinancing rate...I want 1.28 by the end of the year ))))

It is not harmful to want, it is harmful not to want.

Yes, the problem is, but the problem is what the Stabilization Fund will consist of (or rather what it will pay for), the further growth will depend on it + on Thursday Draghi speech as the new head of ECB, he will say whether there will be a cut or not, but this Thursday a rate cut should not happen... I think we will stay in the range and no global moves again


There's no harm in wanting, there's harm in not wanting.

Yes, the problem is there, but the problem is what will constitute the Stabilization Fund (or rather, at what cost), this will determine further growth + on Thursday Draghi's speech as the new head of the ECB, he will say whether there will be a cut or not, but this Thursday a rate cut should not be there ... I think we will stay in the range and no global moves again

hilarious...that's for sure...although for intraday peeps whatever ))))

about the cut this week I don't know...but next month they will cut it...

about the debt...i don't get it...

debt forgiveness leads to laxity and impunity....other countries see this too and might follow the same scenario...

But part of the debt will have to be repaid ... so the reasonable question is why? )))) if everything is so screwed up ...

they are making trouble for themselves...


hilarious...that's for sure...although for intraday peeps doesn't matter ))))

about this week's decline I don't know...but it means next month's decline....

about the debt...i don't get it...

debt forgiveness leads to laxity and impunity....other countries see this too and might follow the same scenario...

But part of the debt will have to be repaid ... so the reasonable question is why? )))) if everything is so screwed up ...

they are just making trouble for themselves...

By attracting investment funds in particular from Asian...
By attracting investment funds from Asia in particular...

yes... Heard about china too.... but we'll see...until the trend line from the lows of september and last week is broken, there is nothing to think about any fall...

I saw this yesterday by chance... I was shocked... What a mistake)))

German Finance Ministry lost 55.5 billion euros due to a calculation error



yes... heard also about china.... but let's see...until the trend line from the lows of september and that week is broken there is nothing to think about any fall...

I accidentally saw this yesterday... I was shocked... What a mistake)))

German Finance Ministry lost 55.5 billion euros due to a calculation error


Yes, funny, and even funnier will be when the americans revise all their figures, especially the labour figures...