Interesting and humorous - page 152


My post must have hit you hard! You were right on the mark!

But which one?

They didn't even want me as a pioneer.


They didn't want me to join the pioneers either.

That clears up a lot! :-))

You were born that way. I used to think life broke you. :-)

They didn't want me there either :-)


I used to genuinely wonder where propagandists come from on sane resources and forums. There used to be normal, sane people. But suddenly they start repeating the propaganda mantra "vile Rain, ban it, shoot it"!

But the answer is simple. I'll repeat my post from the 'smoking room':

Yes, of course, there is a certain (not insignificant) number of people who sincerely do not want to "rock the boat"! Usually those are the ones who have already been drinking from the public trough. Or they deftly sucked up the crumbs from the lords' table of power. Or they placed their kids "in the right place" in power and reap the benefits. Such people will cling by the teeth to their privileges, to the opportunity to steal with impunity, to extort bribes, to put in jail on trumped-up pretexts, to ride in a blinker and worship Gundyaev's dubious holy "gifts" out of turn.
There are not few of them. Often, they are our neighbours at home, cops, tax inspectors, traffic cops, junkies, low-ranking bureaucrats. Their relatives and friends!
They do not want to lose it all! While they themselves steal, go to jail, extort bribes, - their wives, sisters, brothers, cousins, in-laws, etc. "go" through forums and judiciously persuade them "not to rock the boat"! They try to steer dialogues away from the essence of what is happening and turn them into an argument over insignificant and unnecessary details.

They look for misplaced commas in the posts of their opponents in order to "bury" the protesting spirit of the dialogues. They try to provoke and readjust opponents to personal insults.
At the same time, they sing the familiar choruses from Soviet times:
- Western hirelings, extremist provocateurs, bourgeois money, state department hand, etc. (Now all sorts of "lyonya" truth-tellers and grumblers have been added...).

I also eat children and drink the blood of virgins.

There will always be sycophants like "artmedia70" who are ready to yapping, clowning around and acting on a whistle from on high. And hypocritically smirk with a smirk - that we are doing well. In the hope that they will be allowed at least a small part of their snout to join the distributive boons, - "to drink from the trough".

How well we have it: A soldier died of pneumonia in Voronezh region, 400 servicemen were hospitalized.

But that's a low point! It's all slander - by right-thinking grumblers. Urgent denunciation to the prosecutor's office about insulting the feelings of true patriots with such information!

Yeah. Tired of drinking from the trough. I'll come to your place and start eating out of yours.

Do you know how much I owe our fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking government? Over a million. (I can give you my details on the internet.) Nice trough, eh?

That doesn't stop me from loving, honouring, and respecting the memory of our ancestors. So... that's not your truth, you grouchy bastard of a forum...


Are you crazy? What descendants, what bureaucrats? Here's a quote from the article on your link:

They were there, not you, and they have their own opinion, and you were not asked to stand or surrender. It seems you're a little early, while there are still living eyewitnesses

"Love the Motherland" telethon on the Dozhd TV channel sounds like a short anecdote.

* * *

No extremism indeed, but the insult is there.


The most interesting thing is that I told him the same thing and he made me a bureaucrat who eats people... It's a clinic...


Often people are offended just by being asked uncomfortable questions, they are not even aware of the connection themselves. Reflexivity is underdeveloped.

This is, so to speak, from life experience.

.... I drink the blood of virgins.

Where do you find them?

Where do you find them?
In the back of the batch.

That clears up a lot! :-))

You were born that way. Used to think life broke you. :-)

They didn't want me there either :-)

They wanted to expel me from the Komsomol, which would have been followed by an automatic expulsion from the institute (without the right to reinstatement), and the minutes of the meeting had already been approved. I was saved by a miracle.
When is the humour going to come? The man needs treatment - it's not funny.