TA or something you don't know about. - page 35


They say that trolls are well killed by elfing, can call one from the 5th forum, set it on, see what happens, never seen in action.


Apparently, the censor didn't let the right picture through :)


They say trolls kill well with elfin, maybe get one from the 5th forum to set one on, see what happens, never seen one in action.

Elfing can keep Yusuf quiet, but here it's probably the opposite, it'll grow by leaps and bounds.
Get over it :) Yusuf will blossom into a few more tops after elfing :)
Get over it :) Yusuf will blossom into a few more tops after elfing :)
"There are organisms that breathe oxygen, there are organisms that breathe chlorine, but this is the first one that doesn't care what it breathes..." (c) Clifford Saimak
"There are organisms that breathe oxygen, there have been organisms that breathe chlorine, but this is the first one that doesn't care what it breathes..." (c) Clifford Saimak
There are microbes that breathe iron.
Get over it :) Yusuf will blossom into a few more tops after elfing :)

The point is to get him to write a new article. He'll be writing it for a month. But then he'll come back and go on for a month in every thread.

Yeah, not an option.


Apparently, the censor didn't let the right picture through :)

The picture is visible. Check your own.
The picture shows a bathhouse, but you want to send (not) much further. I've read too much Swin, now they don't understand me either. :((
The picture shows a bathhouse, but you want to send (not) much further. I've read too much Swin, now they don't understand me either. :((

USSR, you have been warned. If you're rude, trolling and foul-mouthed, we'll send you to the bathhouse.