FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 176


Thanks for the vote info.

I've basically escaped to safe haven -- gold -- and am enjoying myself, long ago in b.u.


I've basically run away to the safe haven -- gold -- and am enjoying it, long ago in b.u.

Well you will stay in boo, it will eat up your SL market ;)

ZS: i know from my own experience, waited almost a month for aussie down, caught 30k boo, then gave up


1611.20 is resistance! (yes and such a rise should correct)


Well you will stay in boo, your SL market will eat you up ;)

ZS: i know from my own experience, i was waiting for aussie down for about a month, i got 30k boo, then i gave up

won't eat it, trawl up ;-) 1000 ppt trawl

Aussie down is unrealistic, if it is, it won't last long -- the difference in discount rates is in Aussie favour...


will not eat it, bounce up ;-) 1000 ppts trawl

Aussie down is unrealistic, if so, not for long

imho unrealistic another 1000 ppts up, a pullback is needed

austral is 2 months ago i was looking for an entry with boo

good luck!


imho unrealistic another 1000 ppts up, a pullback is needed

austral was me two months ago looking for an entry with boo

good luck!

trailing stop 1000 ppts, runs behind the pose automatically, I don't even look...

(and such growth should adjust)

Does gold know about this? It's a specific pair, it can fly and fly...
Does gold know about this? It's a specific pair, it can fly and fly...
Yes it can, but not every day new all-time highs

A summit of eurozone leaders will be heldon Thursday, 21 July, on further financing for Greece. However, no compromise has yet been reached between the European Central Bank and the regional states, led by Germany, on the role of private investors in this process.

ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet has insisted that the central bank will not accept defaulted debt securities as collateral. If Greece does not receive a second bailout package, this will be its fate next year. In this case, it will stop financing the country's banking system with loans from the Eurozone Central Bank. It turns out that in order to implement a rescue programme for the country, EU countries need to look for other ways to maintain the liquidity of Greek banks.

Germany, on the contrary, considers the participation of private investors in the rescue of Greece necessary. Exactly for lack of a decision on this matter the second rescue package for Greece has not been agreed yet. However, although the participation of private creditors is assumed to be voluntary, the rating agencies would probably classify such a development as a selective default.

In the magazine Spiegel believe that now the most likely option for the eurozone is to implement a scheme to buy Greek debt at market prices.

Analysts at Lloyds say that the problems of the Eurozone will be solved very soon. Specialists see the risk of a new fall in the shares of the peripheral countries of the monetary union as well as in the euro.

Who knows what's up with the nickname, where did it go?