FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 25


I've been trending up since October!) I don't see a downward trend yet.
I recommend to run your prognostic indicator (if it's yours!) on different brokerage company terminals, and then compare the results and a lot will go wrong ;))
I recommend to run your prognostic indicator (if it is yours!!!) on different brokerage terminals, and then compare the results and a lot will fall into place ;))

Thanks for the recomendation! By the way, it was you who inspired me to create a predictive indicator a year ago by posting a pretty good "look into the future" steat!

Possible developments over the next 24 hours.

What is this indicator?
What is this indicator?

An ordinary trading system, with the addition of a visualisation of its expected future actions!
I want to understand what influenced the drop of almost 100 points... That's a question for Margarita, I guess...


I don't know. Googled, Yandexed... Mentioned on waveguide forums. Mentioned, no more.

found it online, it's called "irregular corrections."
Trending upwards since 2002 for that matter))

Good, then the price was....:-)(EUR/USD 0.8225)

Thanks for the recomendation! By the way, it was you who inspired me to create a forecast indicator a year ago, by posting a pretty good "look into the future" steat!
Glad I found it useful in some way and somewhere :0)). My readings right now are like this, probably two kinds of market developments. Take your pick...

Thanks for the link! It all makes sense now...

Hi, good to see too. I don't think this drop is for long.

Me personally, I'm in favour of 1.49+ too.

Still, what are the odds of a reverse wolf and 1.39+.