FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 9


It's fucking horrible that the "EURUSD" thread has been renamed to some kind of jellyfish.

Well, apart from predictions about this currency pair there was a lot of rubbish (aw, damn, it's too bad, what a moderator needs to do seriously! Congratulations on holidays, shoot back and rubbish with numbers and letters I have read in the Internet without any analysis and conclusions), but there were also predictions about other pairs (however, usually they were made for illustration of some EURUSD forecast or for illustration of their TS power, so I think it fits the purpose).

And it's bloody awful that the moderator announces a topic to be flooded, and reinforces this announcement by promising retaliation against those who back up their Predictions, Trends and Consequences with numbers of their own TS.

How else can you prove your predictions other than introducing the audience to the methodology of forecasting and showing how it has worked before and what it predicts for the future?

It seems to me, the moderator just eased his life by declaring that he does not feel like flooding, and, for some reason, uses the available administrative authority to pursue personally any participants that he does not like (Michonas for sure). I don't disagree that Michonov's rainbows and shamanism were of no predictive value for other participants of the branch, but I don't consider his posts with pictures the worst, at least on Forex and EURUSD. The reason of it is that many participants post in batches their posts without any reference to Forex and trading, any forecasts and consequences - that is evil and waste of time, bloating the thread for nothing (and they have already bloated 4 pages out of 8) and I do not know how to explain them, this is the point where the moderator is needed the most, but we will not meet him 8"-((!

SZS. I think it is very important to return EURUSD to the thread title. And to declare it not as a flood, but as the most active one, in order to propagate the forum and attract new practicing traders into the discussion (practicing! Practicing! How to avoid description of TS and demonstration of Statments???).

SZU. How would the moderator react if he considered this post useful for TS threads, and not only for EURUSD? Very simple: give a link to an interesting post in a topic that, in the opinion of the moderator, should have this post. Or copy this entire post and give the same link to the location of the original. Thus, the author's right to publish his post in the place which he considers the best, we will save without reprisals, and important, in the opinion of the administration, information will not bury in a less important in the opinion of the administration, the branch of the forum. The Internet with its hypertext is not often used for such link exchanges.

I'm also for the branch to be called EURUSD....

As for the statements, I should say that it is not a problem to draw them or to bring them from a demo.

As for the forecasting, I think it's useless. I think it's better to place screens with arrows.)


I am also for the branch to be called EURUSD....

As for stands, I should say that it is not a problem to draw them or to bring them from a demo.

As for the forecasting, I think it's useless. If I've got the trades, I cannot make them, I cannot make them without some additional information.)

I always post screenshots with open positions..... or at least pending orders....

By the way, right now at the eu (daily timeframe) is something like a gravestone, so the downside variant is not ruled out from today's candle.


I see, I see. You can't be nice to everyone.

A moderator needs a point of reference and is primarily guided by the opinions of authoritative participants.

...обещанием репрессий к тем, кто подкрепит свои "Прогнозы, тенденции и следствия" цифрами стейтмента или сигналами своей ТС

There was no ban on signals, you've already made that up.

The decision to ban the description of the TS and a demonstration of the results is made precisely to protect against people like Mixon777, ie to protect against individuals inviting participants to the collective action to measure the size of the male genital "merits". Want to describe your TS and show the results - start a separate thread and get the appropriate attention.

One last thing. For a branch to stop being called a flood, it is necessary that each forecast is reasonable. Naturally, we cannot demand this from each forum participant. Hence the main form of communication in the branch is an easy, non-binding stream of numbers and pictures with the accompanying comments from the listener, i.e. flooding.

...Using the fact that she is the most active in order to promote the forum and attract...

Please do not talk about forum promotion and attraction. It is already one of the most active and reputable in the traders' runet.

strangerr: I'm also in favour of the branch being called EURUSD....


As for forecasting, I think it's a pointless business. Matemat said that it's better to post screenshots with arrows, for me it's better with open positions and explanations why and why)))

I may rename it to EURUSD, if it sticks so :). It just seems that besides EUR there are other pairs being discussed here.

And screenshots with open positions together with explanations is also a good option.


Who needs them, your positions. You show their results. What they have led to....)))) Now that's interesting. What difference does it make on the demo or microreal? What matters is how you understand the movement in the market. The steak is fake, but what's the point? It has to be accompanied by forecasts, work, and the discrepancy will immediately show up....))))

OK, that's enough. They'll think it's a flood, they'll kick you in the ass and send you to the can.


It's bloody awful that the "EURUSD" thread has been renamed to some kind of jellyfish.

SZY. I think it is very, very important to put EURUSD back in the thread title. And to declare it not as a flood, but as a real one,

You can declare it as smart, you can declare it as brilliant, you can declare it as superfluous. So what? Will this make it conform to its name?

Never a forum will be such that everyone would be able to say this is the perfect forum. It is not possible because everyone is very different and everyone has his own ideas about the correctness.

Open a forum and set your own rules. Or take someone else's rules as a given.

And playing with big words is useless, you may as well be accused of that the renaming into "EURUSD" greatly narrows the range of discussed currency pairs and is intended to blah blah blah.


I wish the price knew about pitchforks and channels))))

Yes, it does, because they are in the traders' heads and the bots are well spelled out)))
It's bloody awful that the "EURUSD" thread has been renamed some kind of jellyfish.

I really like your drawings, so I suggest, not to violate the requirements of the branch, to comment on them with your forecast arrows as well.

I may rename it to EURUSD, if it sticks so much :). I just think that besides EUR there are other pairs being discussed here.

And screenshots with open positions together with explanations is also a good option.

The name just really sticks))))

And discussing open trades we automatically switch to discussion of TS or indicators, therefore I suggest those who want to discuss their TS, rainbows, snowflakes, etc.)), create a separate topic.


...The decision to ban made precisely to protect ... it is necessary that every prediction be substantiated ... The main form of communication in the thread is an easy, non-binding stream of numbers and pictures with accompanying comments from listeners, i.e. flooding.

We are children of a great country and great tradition.

Cut down vineyards, replant everyone, hold a Holodomor, rename cities, rivers and forum branches.

To please the power, having the power. So they can report back and put a notch on the muzzle of the Mauser )))).

Of course, we need forum users to write only the numbers from where to where to hold the position and back them up with screenshots of arrows, for clarity.

The branch should be renamed more accurately - "The Grail - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 5: July 2011)" and a couple of correct predictions with arrows and descriptions should be shown as an example.