Searching for market patterns - page 5


What do non-losers do?

They don't usually tell you how they do it. And there may be more than one option. I believe that you should look for a pattern in a curve that builds in a regular way (or rather, you don't need to look there, you just need to look). But it's a waste of time to look for a pattern in an initially random curve (or in one where a weak lawful component is not visible behind the random noise).

The criterion is simple. You can extend the indicator line into the future accurately enough(extrapolate). If so, it is a pattern. If almost always not, it's a fluke. If sometimes it is and sometimes it is not - it is an illusion of a pattern (it is a loser pattern that works until the market changes, which usually happens when you start trading on a real account).


They don't usually tell you how they do it.

there is no secret knowledge. everyone's bars are the same, and so are MAs.

the pattern is to be found in a curve that builds in a pattern

yeah.yeah. i wonder how non losers do it too ?

They, die rich before they can drain...))

(by: paukas)


They don't usually tell you how they do it. And there may be more than one pattern here. I believe that the pattern should be sought in the curve, which is built in a regular way (or rather, you don't need to look there, you just need to look). And looking for a pattern in an inherently random curve (or one where a weak regular component is not visible behind random noise) is a waste of time.

Please explain, "the regularity is to be found in a curve which is constructed in a regular way".

Can you please tell me if you have seen anything useful in the graphs above?


They don't usually tell you how they do it. And there may be more than one option here. I believe that one should look for a pattern in a curve that builds in a pattern (or rather one does not need to look there anymore, one just has to look). But it's a waste of time to look for a pattern in an inherently random curve (or one where you can't see a weak regular component behind random noise).

The criterion is simple. You can continue the indicator line into the future with sufficient accuracy (extrapolate). If so, it is a pattern. If almost always not, it is a randomness. If sometimes yes and sometimes no - an illusion of a pattern (a loser pattern that is valid until the market changes, which usually happens when you start trading in a real account).

It's a waste of time to give "expert opinions" on matters that are far from understood...

It would not be difficult to describe price behaviour if we took a pendulum as a model.

But forex is more correctly viewed as an oscillating pendulum, which is influenced by forces with random values and directions or, in other words, by random force vectors.

And as soon as vectors, influencing the oscillatory process of a pendulum are completely random, then impossibility (or futility of attempt) to describe the oscillatory process of our pendulum (forex) becomes obvious.


"Either the author has plagiarized, or two geniuses think of the same thing and come to the same conclusion.


It would not be difficult to describe price behaviour if we took a pendulum as a model.

But forex is more correctly viewed as an oscillating pendulum, which is influenced by forces with random values and directions or, in other words, by random force vectors.

And as soon as vectors, influencing the oscillatory process of a pendulum are completely random, impossibility (or futility of attempt) to describe the oscillatory process of our pendulum (forex) becomes evident.

"...are absolutely accidental..." - isn't it too pessimistic? May be we should abandon everything and go and load bags? ))))

And all those who deal and try to deal with Forex?

It turns out that it is an empty pastime for maniacally obsessed and presumptuous idealists?

Only the thought of impending lunch stops you from committing suicide!)))


"...totally random..." - isn't that a bit pessimistic? Should we drop everything and go load bags? ))))

And all those who deal and try to deal with Forex?

So it turns out that it is an empty pastime for maniacally obsessed and presumptuous idealists?

Only the thought of an impending lunch stops you from committing suicide!)))


There is no formula to put in an advisor. There is no formula that describes the future of the price and allows you to live a good life in the Forex market.

I need a different approach, but I'll discuss it another time. ))


Explain please, "the pattern must be looked for in a curve that builds in a pattern"

Can you please tell me if you see anything useful in the graphs above?

I propose to separate the regular and random price components already at the stage of calculating indicator lines. The random price fluctuations should not affect the regular indicator line, while the regular price movements should not affect the random line. A full view of the price should be maintained, so random fluctuations should not be discarded, as is common practice.

It looks like you can't do without a picture.

The green line is a close price chart. The blue one - the regular component, which is extrapolated in this case approximately for 32 bars. Red - random price oscillations, hangs around zero, theoretically with unlimited amplitude, but practice shows that it is possible to draw lines that intersect very seldom. Blue line + red line = green at any point. At the same time the blue one can be seen 32 bars ahead. Don't you think you would have to try very hard to lose on this? It is the simplest way of identifying and using patterns, so primitive that it is not a shame to show it to everyone.

I don't see anything useful in separating downward movement and upward movement. It's just another graphical representation of the same thing, while making it more complicated and less understandable, at least to me. You can change the coordinate system and display the price as a spiral or as a completely black spherical thing in a vacuum, what will it change? It is still unclear what to do with it. I also do not see anything good in excluding time from the chart. When I open a trade, I somehow do not really care if I close it in an hour or a year. So the timing has to be at least that's why. There are other reasons as well.